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Cool paper! Also glad we are moving towards Patescibacteria and not CPR:

"Genetic manipulation of Patescibacteria provides mechanistic insights into microbial dark matter and the epibiotic lifestyle"

#microbiology #genomics #genetics

in reply to Frank Aylward

oooh, missed that change between preprint and published version....
in reply to Frank Aylward

I'm glad to learn that the CPR bacteria gradually loose their acronym (for me, "CPR" always stood for "Carmen Peral Ruiz", a former not-so-nice colleague 😎)
and that "Patesci..." is not a person's name but derived from a latin verb []. but I fail to grasp the "laid bare" meaning in the context of these wonderful/wondrous lilliputians.
(I should think less during vacation, probably)
in reply to Small Things Considered

@STCmicrobeblog the term CPR was more commonly used when it was thought that the lineage was a large collection of phyla that were basal-branching to all other bacteria. Now we know that they have a more restricted phylogenetic breadth and are placed near the chloroflexi.
in reply to Frank Aylward

with this 👇 fenomenal view right before my eyes right now, you probably understand why I don't jump instantly into discussing where (the heck) to place in the tree the patescibacteria 😂

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