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in reply to Kevin Karhan :verified:

@kkarhan The way I understand it, is it's not tiling in the standard sense it's taking a lot more care to respect the sizing of the windows being tiled so as to not cause typical tiling issues. Along with also providing the user a lot of control over how windows can be placed
in reply to Brodie Robertson

makes sense, as I'm convinced it's not done with some simple extension but actually a lot of work.

And whilst Windows isn't a good example, the basic tiling functionality and ability to just use Super + Arrow Keys to just move and resize applications is super intuitive and I hope that to be used there as well...

in reply to Brodie Robertson

idk if this will be any better than pop shell, which is already excellent

At this point, using a DE without autotiling (in my case Gnome with pop shell) feels painful

in reply to Mair :ablobcatwobwork:

@Mair_ The video of the mockup will explain it much better than I can in 500 characters
in reply to Brodie Robertson

This mosaic layout looks really interesting!

I'm personally on a dynamic tiler, and I really like it (with 9 virtual workspaces), but it indeed looks weird sometimes to see like a control panel with two sliders take up the whole screen. I just personally don't care that it's ugly for that 20 seconds I need to use 😂

But FWIW, a new API through which an app can communicate what size it would feel comfortable being in seems promising.

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