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This is a real Warning. Your, your family and freinds' safety and rights are in growing threat in your home.

Google, Amazon and Apple are now tracking women's intimate history for the police, including in many cases through voice recordings, home device, phone device recordings, search history, forums used, cookies, biological data.

Police are being set on women.

Just the softest warning from google

#women #tracking #freedom #policestate #periods #nest #IoT
in reply to Kevin Russell

Are you searching for abortion pills? Checking abortion law? Are you talking in front of your phone, with an always on microphone? "Hello google, get me arrested"

Did you say in front of a home nest that youd be seeking doctors? Police can tell you.

Did you scream in your home? What words did you say alone in your bathroom? Ever wished some jackass ill during the news? Did you say it out loud?

Can your watch detect your cycle?

The balloon 40,000ft up isnt surveiling you, your home nest is.

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