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in reply to It's FOSS

Honestly, it was our mistake to put all the eggs in one basket. What else was everyone expecting?

Two of GH's features that remain unreplicated are project discoverability and code search. It's still hard to discover FOSS projects scattered over hundreds of sites. There should be a single dedicated catalog.

As for search, perhaps each forge can index projects hosted on them. We could have a single meta search engine that collects the results for a query from all participating forges.

in reply to It's FOSS

My only thought is to wonder at the number of people who'll complain about this and then keep their repos there anyway. Just switch to GitLab!
in reply to It's FOSS

I never really understood why so many people stayed on #github after the #microsoft acquisition. Maybe now is the time to move to #gitlab or even something like #gitea or #codeberg. 🤔
in reply to It's FOSS

You make a deal with the devil, you deal with the devil..
in reply to It's FOSS

I've been wondering about this one. Searches are often abused by bots and DDoSers, so I wonder if there may be some small validity to this?

Probably is a bad sign in general though. Seems like now is a good time to begin the process of migrating away before they start requiring Microsoft accounts and stuff to use it. Better now with a slow, easy transition than later with a sudden fast and hard transition.

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