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We saw Noah Davis' Raspberry Pi Pico-powered chess-playing robot at Open Sauce in San Francisco and loved the ChatGPT twist he added to spice up the game.

Here's how he made it:

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Hey everyone, subscribe to Noah's brand new YouTube channel. We can tell the future 🔮 and predict he is one to watch. (Once high school work stops getting in the way)


#RaspberryPi #coding #YouTube

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Cute robot. It reminded me of a story I heard decades ago about a chess-playing robot at M.I.T. (at a time when something equivalent to a Raspberry Pi would fill a room). It was an early experiment in robotics and computer vision. Just before this computer lost a game, it would throw a temper tantrum and wipe all the remaining pieces off the board.

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