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#fediverse alive servers stats

servers: 21,593 (+19, max: 21,646)
users: 9,056,397 (-75,733, max: 9,151,340)
MAU: 1,474,663 (-2,634, max: 2,444,236

top five projects (users / MAU / servers):

<img class=" title=":mastodon:"/> 7,498,366 / 1,375,084 / 12,384
😛eertube: 297,236 / 24,773 / 1,251
<img class=" title=":pleroma:"/> 142,473 / 16,662 / 1,354
<img class=" title=":pixelfeed:"/> 170,269 / 14,796 / 442
:fedibird: 29,873 / 11,291 / 3

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