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#Uxn folks, I wrote a spec for Funktal, a functional language I'm working on intended to compile to #Uxntal.
Before I go deep down the rabbit hole, I'd value your views on this.
in reply to WimⓂ️

first typed language on uxntal, I'm also curious to see if this will be difficult to make fit in such a restrictive system. Do you think you'll support devices, or will it be a strictly cli project?
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@neauoire If I ever get that far, I want to support devices. I have not thought about a syntax for that but probably I'll add a `devices` block.

I think it will fit, but of course with considerable overhead, not so much because of the type system but because of the anonymous functions. After type checking, I'll compile this down to the functional constructs I did before. The type checker will be tricky though.

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