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in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@neauoire if all the machinery is already in place and it's not a huge pain in the butt to implement in drifblim and friends, then yea, I think it would be cool 😀 I use this approach all over the place in this program i'm writing

btw, got this idea from you talking about enums in this list
in reply to charlie

The `$label` syntax is not a thing, BUT it could be!! I managed to hack it together for uxnasm in a couple of lines of code
in reply to charlie

This stuff is sorta possible with the current syntax using a bunch of macros like these:
%Vector/size$ { $4 }
%Player/size$ { $9 }

@player-1 Player/size$
but this approach requires adjusting all paddings by hand in case any size changes.
in reply to charlie

I like this very much, lemme see if I can port it to drifblim.
in reply to charlie's genius. I can think of so many places where I'd use that.
in reply to Devine Lu Linvega

@neauoire I love uxntal, let me tell you. You want to assign a name to an address in memory? Labels! Maybe assign some names to devices and their ports? Labels! Need enums? Use labels! Structs? yeah you can just use labels!

Devine Lu Linvega reshared this.

in reply to charlie

it's nice that we keep on finding new things to do with so few moving parts

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