I am very pleased to share with the mastodon community the first part of my PhD work:
High prevalence of Prdm9-independent recombination hotspots in placental #mammals
This work was done in collaboration with @djivanprentout Alexandre Laverré, Théo Tricou and @duret_lbbe. (1/8)
#Recombination #PopGen #Evolution #gBGC #PRDM9
High prevalence of Prdm9-independent recombination hotspots in placental mammals
In many mammals, recombination events are concentrated into hotspots directed by a sequence specific DNA-binding protein named Prdm9.bioRxiv
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Julien JOSEPH • • •This is now published:
It is not freely available until 6 month (immediate open access is too expensive), but feel free to send me a message if you want the pdf!