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Items tagged with: PopGen

I am very pleased to share with the mastodon community the first part of my PhD work:

High prevalence of Prdm9-independent recombination hotspots in placental #mammals

This work was done in collaboration with @djivanprentout Alexandre Laverré, Théo Tricou and @duret_lbbe. (1/8)

#Recombination #PopGen #Evolution #gBGC #PRDM9

Interested in evolutionary genomics/population genomics and plant genetics? Want to do your PhD in beautiful Stockholm?

We have two 4-year PhD student positions available in my group at Stockholm University. More info, see
Please repost.

#evolution #genomics #popgen #distyly #CropWildRelatives #PlantGenetics #ecrchat #phd 1/4

Ten years ago, with @cfraisserios, we were dissatisfied with averaging windows in genome scans and decided to calculate FST90 (the 90th percentile of the FST distribution) and FSTmax (the maximum FST of the window) instead. We struggled to convince the reviewers that this was a good idea. We now have a paper we can cite to justify that it's the right approach. Why FST90 in addition to FSTmax? Because in true data FSTmax is full of rotten SNPs. #PopGen

I've just come across this little gem posted in BioRXiv during the summer. Everything I like #LewontinParadox #NeutralEvolution #GeneticDraft #LongRangeHitchhiking #PopGen @darwin

Weak genetic draft and the Lewontin's paradox

by Guillaume Achaz and Emmanuel Schertzer

Super interesting paper that analayzes one of the #LTEE populations that evolved stably coexisting #ecotypes from Joao Ascensao, Kelly Wetmore, Ben Good, Adam Arkin & Oskar Hallatschek.
#Microbiology #Evolution #ExperimentalEvolution #EcoEvo #popgen #PopulationDynamics #Genomics

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