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in reply to John :mastodon:

@FreezePeach That one doesn't refer to a particular network, although it was somewhat inspired by the slightly-competitive zinger culture of Bluesky
in reply to Jen Sorensen

ahh, I see. I haven’t touched blueksy because I want no more of Dorsey than I’m forced to deal with. I didn’t know zinger culture was a part of the network.
in reply to John :mastodon:

@FreezePeach Same with the Happytime Funfeed. I'm not really up on all the social media platforms.
in reply to JJ Allen 🏳️‍🌈

@JJ_Allen that rings of Facebook to me. Maybe Threads since Facebook is associated with aging and angry boomers and X-ers?
in reply to John :mastodon:

@FreezePeach I figured Skunkable to be Facebook. Goebbler could be Parlor, Truth, 4chan, or any number of social media platforms. Influenzza is obviously Twitter. Happytime Funfeed I'm drawing a blank on. Maybe Instagram??
in reply to JJ Allen 🏳️‍🌈

@JJ_Allen @FreezePeach They're more like elements of various networks. Goebbler was inspired by the direction Twitter is going, and Happytime Funfeed was derived from an Instagram/Threads exec's comments that discussion of politics would not be encouraged. Not that Meta is literally run by the world's worst authoritarians, though it's been known to help them out.
in reply to Alberto Ⓥ

@moshtodon Skunkible isn't any one in particular, just commentary on how networks thrive on conflict.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

I saw this on Politico yesterday! Great work! Especially on Mastodon lol
in reply to Jen Sorensen

As I've been saying: social media platforms initially facilitated the breakup of society into tribal factions. Now, social media platforms *are* the tribes: which one you use declares which tribe you're in.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Unknown parent

Jen Sorensen
@JJ_Allen @FreezePeach Absolutely true, and a big reason I have no interest in Threads.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

I figured goebbler was twitter, influenzza -> instagram, and happytime funfeed would be tiktok? (couldn't figure out skunkible)

idk about the authoritarian part, but I've always thought of tiktok as the most censored social media, although it's likely I'm behind :ms_sweat_smile:

in reply to Friday

@mechadragon Influenzza was based on Instagram and what I've heard about Threads. Happytime Funfeed and Skunkible are more composites than exact matches to any one network.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

I would perhaps change the first panel to read, "RW conspiracy theorists." Big corporations sometimes brand whistleblowers as conspiracy theorists and alarmists to discredit them. Just saying... Otherwise, spot on!
in reply to Jen Sorensen

how the hell do i get on skunkible?! Anyone got an invite code?!
in reply to Jen Sorensen

It's very refreshing to see a comparison between different social networks that doesn't force some kind of equivalence between a network run by fascists and a network where you have to put in some effort to curate your feed because there is no algorithm to do that for you

Those things are not as equal as some people seem to think

Unknown parent

Jen Sorensen
@mahaska These are more like composites than exact matches, though I had Twitter in mind in the first panel.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Bless you for your patient replies to explain your artistic decisions. 🤦🏽‍♂️
in reply to Jen Sorensen

no reddit comparison? But this comic is great without it
in reply to Nonce Olbrecht

@Henry_David_Throwed It probably could have been a dozen panels, but it was already getting too long.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

“Big Mammoth” makes me hungry for a giant, juicy steak. 🥩
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Wow, that Goebbler logo! I’m in awe… Never have I ever seen a better use for a Sonnenrad.
Unknown parent

Jen Sorensen
@jhwgh1968 You got me there! Around six, if you count just a link.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

it looks really obvious which one is the proper choice here 😁
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Given that we're maintaining currently 4 accounts and our own website... I feel with the last panel.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

can I post this on Tumblr? 😄 And should I add a link other than the embedded one?
in reply to Rob M

@rrrobbed I have a Tumblr at if you want to reblog, or you are welcome to post with a link back to my site.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

On the nose, but missed opportunity for using "pwn" :sickmeme:
in reply to Jen Sorensen

I am sad about the influencer one

Influencer could be a good job, focused on *curating* (and I follow some few that actually do that).
When did we take the wrong turn and made it all about brand deals and make-believe of seemingly perfect lives?

in reply to Jen Sorensen

Big Mammoth seems like a contradiction in terms. How can it be algorithm free while only favouring those scientists and politicians who share the same opinion?

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