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From esteemed writer Nadia Asparouhova on #substack #notes

> Alternatives that my peer circles are using:
> Mastodon = I saw someone describe this as “the types of people in the US who always threaten to move to Canada” and I’m not sure I could describe it more perfectly
> Farcaster = crypto
> Bluesky = postrats
> Notes = writers (?)


In actuality the #fediverse folk stayed true to their word and are now happily residing in the digital equivalent of Canada!
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Erlend Sogge Heggen

The #fediverse is the home of modern internet counterculture. It's where people come to talk about the great entanglement of hypercapitalism, surveillance states, monopolization, unionization, mutualism and #opensource .

It's where we go to talk about how to get ourselves out of this monumental mess we're in; no shortcuts or temporary workarounds allowed this time.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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