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They won't save you.

Kyrsten Sinema (democrat) voted against the $15 minimum wage bill passing through congress and did so with a “quirky” plaid up thumbs down. She uses progressivism as an aesthetic but is establishment to the core. She got notoriety and adoration when she was sworn into office by Pence using a law book instead of a bible.

#anarchism #anarchy #art #glitch #retrowave
#AnarchoWave #usa #democrat #15

in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

all congresspeople are establishment... i thought that was obvious to most of us

and minimum wage laws are an abomination, like practically all laws
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

BTW, most members of Congress are wealthy. It's easy to discover. Just duck, for example, "personal wealth of nancy pelosi." The answer for Pelosi is $140,000,000.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

Members of Congress, when they become members of Congress, should be totally expropriated, and paid the federal minimum wage. When they leave Congress, they should either have to live on Social Security alone, or work as federal employees for the federal minimum wage.

If the federal minimum wage isn't enough to pay rent in Washington, DC, members of Congress should be housed in homeless shelters.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

There's an old saying that power corrupts. (Some add that PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.)

The ultimate solution to abuse of power is to diffuse power, and keep on diffusing it. That's basically what the anarchists (so thoroughly misunderstood) are getting at.

It's fashionable among conservatives these days to make a big deal about how America is not a democracy but a republic. That sounds stupid (What about democratic republics?), but what they're really getting at is that democracy is bad, but representative democracy is good. In other words, we can't allow people to choose the laws; we can only allow them to choose the lawmakers from among an approved list of candidates. Then the lawmakers (so much better and wiser) will choose the laws for us (poor, stupid wretches).
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

direct democracy is impossible

the problem is not congress, but that congress is out of control
this is the problem

in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

so democracy is restored
Restored? The framers of the Constitution never intended for the majority of American adults to be able to participate in government, even as voters. Hell, all the really influential framers were slaveholders, outnumbered by their slaves.

If America becomes a democracy, that will be a revolution. Unprecedented.
Why is direct democracy impossible?

Also, why does most of what we do have to be governed at all? People like to be with and work with others, but that doesn't mean that we can't reserve part of our lives for ourselves. After all, much of what I do and say can't even be detected by anyone else. I sometimes sing to myself when I'm alone. The RIAA would love to have a way to make me pay for the "privilege," but they can't detect that I'm doing it.

Part of the solution to the problem of government is not to govern so much. Devolve power all the way to the individual in most cases.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

"Hell, all the really influential framers were slaveholders" no, this is completely false

"Why is direct democracy impossible?" Why do you think?
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

John Trumbull’s Famous 1818 Painting Declaration of Independence Virtually Defaced to Show Which Founding Fathers Owned Slaves

Declaration of Independence

Parsa said 34 of the 47 men depicted in the famous "Declaration of Independence" painting were slaveholders.\
We found strong evidence to back the claim on the 34, recognizing there is no one definitive source on the question.\
We rate the statement True.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

And what is your point whether or not founding fathers owned slaves?

And why are you ignoring all other questions asked to you or defend any of you outrageous claims?
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

Signers of the Declaration of the Independence are not necessarily "influential framers".

The Declaration of the Independence is not the same as the Constitution, nor the Constitutional Convention, nor anything about "Framers"
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

further "I agree with William Lloyd Garrison that the northern states should have refused to join any union with slaveholders. "

the union had NO CHOICE. We had almost lost the war with Britain, had we split, we would have been reconquered.

Not until the invention of the cotton gin could the colonial economy, built on slavery, maintain independence without slaves.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People David's point is rather obvious - the U.S. has never been democratic and cannot "go back" to being democratic. The U.S. political system has always been a violent oligarchy and remains the same today.

The solution is having NO political system.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

Wealthy people oppose the minimum wage because it reduces rather than increases wealth and income inequality. We live in a country founded by wealthy, with government of the wealthy, for the wealthy, and by the wealthy. Wealthy, powerful people are only wealthy and powerful in comparison to others. In order to be happy, they had to impoverish and enslave others.

If we can make America anything resembling a democracy, that will be a revolutionary change. I want to see this change brought about peacefully and soon. The longer revolutionary change is delayed, the greater the danger of a bloody revolution.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

I'll pass on anything peaceful - Congress doesn't deserve a peaceful change of power 😀 They deserve the same treatment that their victims in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places around the world have received!
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People "David’s point is rather obvious - the U.S. has never been democratic and cannot “go back” to being democratic. The U.S. political system has always been a violent oligarchy and remains the same today."

This is not true. The U.S. was the FIRST true country with a democratic government, and HAS stopped being democratic, and CAN return to it. That is the complete and total truth.

we NOW have an oligarchy, we did not always.

Whether or not the US is VIOLENT, has nothing to do with democracy, oligarchy, or any other governmental system
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People"I’ll pass on anything peaceful - Congress doesn’t deserve a peaceful change of power 😀 They deserve the same treatment that their victims in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places around the world have received!"

This is ridiculous. And THEN what?

This is not democracy.

Reminds me of Pedagogy of the Oppressed "man finds his first imagine of manhood in the Oppressor"

an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

If you want to be a fool, you will only bring folly upon yourself
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

There never really were any good old days, but, in some ways, the USA of my childhood was better than what we have now. E.g., less extreme wealth and income inequality. Of course, in other ways it was much worse. E.g., people at school calling me "nigger lover" with impunity.

The USA was founded in sin: the unforgivable sin of slavery (and the toleration of slavery), and the genocide of Native Americans. That doesn't mean that we can't move forward to a better USA. But it would be a move forward, not backward. There never were any good old days.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

"There never were any good old days."

No, not since the "Garden of Eden"...

Democracy, and the Constitution, etc. are a huge gift.

USA Was born in sin - the sin of empire and colonialism. And it STOPPED the sin of Monarchy - which was hard battle fought, and amazingly won. We should be endlessly grateful for this, and these gifts - and Use them.

The founding of the US did not cure all sin - but the creation of democracy and the founding of the constitution gave us a chance to FIGHT it - and we must do that - we must fight it, and use these powerful tools, so hard won.
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

"If it doesn’t have universal suffrage, it’s not a democracy."

this is simply completely not true. What do you think democracy is?
in reply to Daily Anarchist Meme For Cool People

" people who bought slaves weren’t doing the best they could"

you know, slavery wasn't unique to the US. You seemed obssessed with this smearing them, and refusing to accept the truth and the concept.

Further, slavery isn't necessarily about racism at all. its obviously about economics.

In Africa, it had been long standing that some Africans enslaved others. In fact, many if not most of the slaves in the USA were bought from African slavers who captured them.

In Europe, is was also long standing for Europeans to enslave others, such as the Romans. That had faded sooner than in Africa - partly because they started enslaving Africans instead.

You seem obsessed with this "perfectionism" ideal of past figures in history.

It's really ultimately offensive.

I'd like to see how you would like it if we were still part of Britain, and what the world would be like now.

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