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How to host your own Mastodon instance on a #RaspberryPi:

Thanks to Pete @beasts for this brilliant step-by-step guide.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

¿Por qué alguien querría hostear una instancia de mastodon en una raspberry pi? 🤔
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

What would be the benefit of a cloud Raspberry Pi server vs Linode or Digital Ocean?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I've got a #Mastadon instance running on a *single* #rasperrypi 4/4GB with a 240GB SSD. It is securely located in the garage attached to a standard FTTC connection to my ISP. It's doing well and I'm confident it will cope with a 50% increase in users (from 2 to 3).

What do reckon on the numbers a 4GB can handle. If only you could get an 8GB 😉
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Now if I could just find a Pi to run a server on. I can't find one anywhere.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Not that anyone could follow suit, though, eh? Supposedly impossible to find Pis to buy nowadays.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

man I've been trying to find a single pi 4 to buy for months now! 😮‍💨
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

This is where RPi clusters running k8s would shine. Anyone sitting on a #raspberrypi cluster really should give it a go imho.

Also would love it if there would be an official RPi image with mastodon pre-installed. Would be really cool to be able to flash an SD Card and have a #mastodon instance up in no time.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Reading that document, I don't think I would have considered running my own server if it weren't for docker.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I have 5x pi’s I’m planning on building into a micro k8’s cluster and then hosting an instance on that. I still need to wrap my head around k8’s though. There’s so many tutorials but each seems to do things differently. I don’t want to just get it working, I want a good understanding of how it works from an application and configuration standpoint. I think it’s gonna be a while 😀
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

shouldn't you start first with "How to buy a Rapberry Pi?". The market is currently insane.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

So, this is the reason why RasPis are still not available for normal prices...
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Oh come on, that wasn't necessary, I had plans for the weekend ...
(will register end if week and then 😇)
Unknown parent

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

This is the way. I’ve also found, though, that Pleroma is speedier on the Raspberry Pi platform (and is where I’m communicating from now). 🙂
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

so that is why I can't buy a rasberry pi for a reasonable price right now
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I've got a pi 4 looking for work. Might have to see if I can migrate my pleroma instance to it, just for fun.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

does this count 😆
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

That looks splendid! May take a few years to procure those parts though what with supply chain being troublesome.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I wonder how the Worlds Largest Pi Cluster that I built or the Mini Pi Cluster would handle it? They are Pi 3B+ but there are more: and
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

It's interesting but the article doesn't explain why if I already have a domain name, SSL cert and a Pi 4 of my own (with external HDD) I wouldn't just run Mastodon on it like every other service. Don't get me wrong, I love the little thing and put it through its paces with new and interesting applications, but its allure is being an inexpensive, tiny low-power headless server tucked into my bookshelf; as a cloud platform it's completely fungible.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Thanks for a great guide! Knowing next to nothing about the Mastodon infrastructure I found it
interesting that the number of followers seems to affect the CPU load (etc..). Which part component of the entire system seems to be the bottleneck right now?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Thanks for the guide - I am very much looking forward to replicating that in my #homelab. :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Wow, I was expecting a PR text. Instead, I get a nice reminder on when to use strace, and I learn about a tool called tnat64 I had never even heard of!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I'm not sure where they found a PI4 for $35. Can't find anything below 170 Euro in the past year.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

That's amazing, except it would cost a billion dollars to buy that many these days. Totally get it's not your fault but still. So many projects on hold 😎
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

seeing this picture makes me angry cause here in Netherlands it's impossible to get even 1 Raspberry Pi for a few years already

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