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in reply to Open Science ✅

Somewhere in the latter right end 1/10th we have a missing "But China...".
in reply to Open Science ✅

Yeah, and we passed oops a long time ago and we still got a bunch of people in the cyan or whatever.
in reply to Open Science ✅

This is all conservative responses to all problems ever.

Once you see it... you can't unsee it.

in reply to Open Science ✅

The conversation will soon change from, "climate change isn't real" to "climate change is real, but it's too late to do anything about it, so why bother?"
in reply to Open Science ✅

, yes, unfortunately it seems that is how things will play out... 🙁
in reply to Open Science ✅

I have NEVER understood why my friends who deny climate change (who, almost to a fault, are evangelical Republicans) are unable to process that it's the RATE of temperature increases is undeniably part of our increased burning of fossil fuels over the past 150-200 years.
in reply to Open Science ✅

starting to feel like we have entered the oh fuck phase
in reply to Open Science ✅

Please don't repeat the myth. Just state the truth.

Also more than 90% of people are aware and 60% afraid of climate change surveys from years ago show.

There is no need need to cover the minority who isn't (mostly big oil funded trolls).

in reply to Open Science ✅

👍 but I am missing
"Climate change is real - but not made by man"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but I'm too small - changes have no effect"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but my country is too small - changes have no effect"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but I like my meat and my SUV"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but I don't give a f..."


in reply to Open Science ✅

Sad reality 🙁

It's like this not only with climate change, but with some other problems as well.

Actually no, for most problems it's "If I don't think about it, it's going to disappear"

in reply to Open Science ✅

yep, looks accurate. Deny until ish hits the fan, then scatter around in search of options.
in reply to Open Science ✅

in reply to Open Science ✅

so true! lie, lie, lie for decades then say there is nothing we can do. thanks for posting!
Unknown parent

Open Science ✅

@cobratbq I agree that in a world with a multitude of sources and players, it can be hard for some to differentiate between data and opinion.

I disagree with that this post is "shaming" anyone.

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