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in reply to It's FOSS

What ads ? i don't see any. simply don't use the mobile app. use a proper browser like #firefox, a proper screen, #ublock and #sponsorblock . Then #google and #youtube can go fuck themselfs.
in reply to It's FOSS

I don't mind it in long videos, its the short ones that really riles me up.
in reply to It's FOSS

they're a nuisance. I haven't used Youtube in months now and I'm very happy without it. I use PipePipe as the alternative, even though it has the occasional glitches/bugs, it's still a very stable app.
in reply to It's FOSS

I like it, this will hopefully force me to leave YouTube 4good
in reply to It's FOSS

Depends on how it's unskippable.
If they "burn in" ads in creators movies, it's outside current agreement and they will most likely get the EU on their arses..
in reply to It's FOSS

Yet another lesson why proprietary services are to be avoided. I hope more people will learn this lesson and move to free software alternatives like PeerTube.

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