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Today is my dissertation proposal defense. That means I'll give a public lecture about my research in front of my committee.

As some folks may know, I'm doing another round of grad school, mid-career, focused on scientific decision making in the U.S. Congress #science #politics

In terms of PhD-ing, this is kind of like the pregame. I passed my comprehensive exams last year & will officially defend my dissertation & finish this Fall. So here goes...

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I wish you all the best Sheril. #Fascinating proposal, and dare I say very bold. Dare I ask what your focus will be on? The broad concept of American legislative processes and motivations is quite complex. How do you propose to quantify or qualify something that appears quite reactionary, quirky, and prone to whim/fancy? I would be interested in what you ultimately decide to narrow the topic down to. Not sure I’d (personally) want to peek down that rabbit hole
in reply to mary beth ☑️

@maryErudis Thanks! I’ve actually completed the research and composed 2 chapters already.

The first focuses on where senior congressional staffers turn for information related to science & who they trust most. The second is about barriers to participate in decision making more broadly & who isn’t represented in those roles.

I’ll be able to share more soon.

in reply to mary beth ☑️

e.g. Maine (and by extension all up and down the east coast) over the past decade or more concerning the lobster industry, the technology and methods used by lobster-folk (specifically the ropes used to raise and lower lobster traps), boating/yachting, and the impact that these human endeavors are having on the north atlantic right whale population. This issue is a case study in the failings of humans 2 discern Science or propaganda?
in reply to mary beth ☑️

@maryErudis very familiar with this complicated situation. I went to grad school in fisheries biology at UMaine with one of those lobstermen & some of the agency folks working with right whales in the Gulf of Maine.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

You're aware that if your dissertation is apparently good but too long, you get your PhD because your jury doesn't want to bother to read it ?
In this case, you'll still get to be a Dr, but a special sort : a tl;Dr
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

This sounds like really important work, and I'm glad to hear someone is looking at this from a scientific perspective. A lot of people, myself included, have a lot of opinions, with *wildly* varying basis in actual facts, about how congress makes scientific decisions, and I'd love to be much better informed than I am.

I know the proposal defense isn't *as* nerve-wracking as the actual defense, but good luck! I'm sure you'll kill it 😀

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Good luck and have fun! I still vividly remember my defense 30 odd years ago and the complete sense of relief/happiness when it was done🙂
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

You got this. Have fun today. Remember, you wouldn't be presenting if you hadn't shown yourself already well prepared.

Looking forward to your continuing contributions to the expansion of human knowledge. Welcome to the academy!

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

sending good thoughts! I could wish you luck but you are prepared and will do great!
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Best wishes to you...It sounds what we may just need...Fresh new ideas...
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

best wishes, hope they lob you softball questions. I was prepared to lob softballs for my daughter’s defence but things went so well I just beamed with pride.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

All done. And thanks so much for all of the very encouraging words this morning ⬆️

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