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Hello new people! 👋

I run a human-curated directory of interesting accounts to follow on here:


Do you have an account that posts a lot about a particular topic? Would you like to be listed in the directory?

If so, @ me or send me a DM and let me know!

(The site only went live a few days ago so some topics are less populated than others, but this is why I am working on expanding it!)

Boosts appreciated :blobcat:

#Fediverse #Mastodon
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to FediFollows has moved!

Regarding the Master Rolodex idea you are implementing: I would like to be listed (this account obviously) at the "dogs" section for starters but your DM seemed to be locked. Here is the category I would like to be listed for starters
in reply to FediFollows has moved!

great initiative, thank you!

I post about politics and specifically international relations/foreign policy/diplomacy, especially European. I also often write about Scotland and the UK.

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