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What's your pick? 🐧


This entry was edited (6 months ago)
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Simply for the ease of finding answers via search engine or otherwise

Especially as the sole techie in a family of Linux users I need that ease of use for my own sanity 😆

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Debian or NixOS - I can't choose which one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Fedora Silverblue because I too lazy to maintain my system and I can always rollback if something goes wrong.
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ParrotOS Home Edition. Easy to use if you're coming from Ubuntu with plenty of security features built in. Plus you have access to other security tools should you need them.
It's also beautiful to look at. 🦜
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Arch, because of the extensive documentation and awesome community ( plus also having the best package manager )
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Linux Mint. It's basically Ubuntu without things like snaps and ads in apt. Extremely user friendly, probably more than any other distro, and has a noob friendly community.
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always Debian (🖖
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
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I mean, it's obvious that anybody will say their favorite distro, so I'm saying mine
Unknown parent

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openSuse Tumbleweed. A reliable rolling release with good documentation and a community big enough to answer most questions.
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Mainly Debian.
But also used Fedora, Ubuntu (before it became bloated), CentOS, Trustix (RIP)...
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Debian simply the best and I am not forced to use something I don't like at all snaps and so many other bad Ubuntu decisions.
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OpenSUSE Aeon.
Immutable, autoupdates & rolling release. Apps only via flatpak, or distrobox if there is no flatpak.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

There is only one correct answer: Debian. Even God uses Debian.
in reply to It's FOSS

all these comments and not one mention of Hannah Montana Linux so far?
in reply to It's FOSS

Do another one and then see the answers. What distro would you pick for installing on 30 kids' PCs for which you had to provide free support for?

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