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For those who didn't know (or have forgotten), there's a PeerTube channel here with videos of the talks and Q&A sessions from the #ActivityPub conference we had in late 2020:

Picking through these videos is a great way to get a sense of where some of us wanted fediverse development to go, both technically and politically.

#videos #PeerTube #ConferenceTalks

in reply to Strypey

Given the timing, this was held entirely online. Which was actually much cooler than trying to participate remotely in an in-person event. Videos of the talks went online in advance, so we could watch the ones we were interested in beforehand. That meant we spent all of our conference time talking to each other, rather than sitting silently listening to one person speak for an extended period of time (my biggest bugbear with conferences in the age of easily-available web video).
in reply to Strypey

With pandemic-related things calming down a bit, and especially with the surge in fediverse use over the last 6 months, it seems like a good time to regroup. Would anyone be interested in attending an online fediverse conference, or helping to organise one?

#fediverse #ActivityPub #conference

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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