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I know a lot of ppl at #COP28. But the thing is, the majority of them aren’t scientists or legislators. They’re also not working on #ClimateChange issues personally.

I can’t help but wonder if the UN #climate summits have become more of an annual festival than a productive dialogue.

According to The Washington Post, there are a record 84,000 attendees in Dubai this year due to “a large influx of business executives & lobbyists.”

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

All of whom, I'm sure, took sustainable transportation to get there
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Think of all the cocktail parties! Exclusive upscale dinners with only the finest imported steak, seafood, and the world's delicacies flown in from across the world! Hobnobbing with fossil fuel billionaires! How can one miss that opportunity?! /sarcasm
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

It seems to be more and more a #Greenwashing annual fair for rich kids toys, too, regarding there had been a panel named "responsible yachting"🤡

No, the #cop28 is obviously not the place, where the real problems of the ones with less money and most affected from #ClimateEmergency are taken serious.


This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

This is absolutely absurd. I wonder if someone has worked out what the CO2 footprint is of COP28?
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I think most international conferences develop the same problems, then it becomes a argument between ‘this is a sign of wider engagement and is good’ vs ‘this is the process being derailed by hangers-on and is bad’

Thinking of past UN conferences on poverty attended by thousands at very nice hotels …

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

"Majority......aren’t scientists"

That's ridiculous, considering.

However, the main focus of #COP28 is #money

And those with the money often lie about the science, if the #science doesn't align with their monetary agendas. And or only focus on a narrow bandwidth of scientific knowledge (confirmation bias)

Only the people who generally are honest are aware of just how many adults lie. They also lie to cover up their lies by calling honest people liars

That's why I value #science

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

COP should be equivalent to an emergency meeting between countries to solve together the climate emergency. But it’s turned into an annual business fair.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Hundreds of lobbyists & other corporate corruptocrats per every government employee or official present. Yeah that's just a party for rich people.

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