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This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

I use #linux ubuntu. Since quite a while the upgrades just work perfectly. Nothing to troubleshoot. Its infuriating
in reply to It's FOSS

#Q4OS #linux runs great on old computers, so I lost the biggest excuse to constantly buy snazzy new hardware and throw away my most reliable and durable old stuff.
in reply to It's FOSS

using Manjaro. I just find it frustrating that the few packages that are not in the main repositories can be simply found on AUR and can be compiled from there. Too effortless.
in reply to It's FOSS

I get m'lady jokes from people when I tell them I use #fedora
in reply to It's FOSS

I use Mint and it's boring: everything works great and I have no problems with it
in reply to It's FOSS

I guess it takes some amount of discipline not to fill your system with AUR packages. Also since it's rolling, you don't get the fun hype of "Version X.Y has been released!" Pacman just kind of does its thing and gives you major updates as they get eleased.

(Endeavour OS)

in reply to It's FOSS

I use Mint and an update corrupted my boot partition, it took me weeks to figure out how to fix it, now I'm almost afraid to update. On the plus side, I now know way more about bios and boot partitions in both windows and Linux.
in reply to It's FOSS

There is nothing wrong with Debian in particular. About #linux ecosystem in general: Too much diversity. For every task (even system level things like UI toolkits, desktops, package managers, sound, init, ...) there are lots of alternatives. Often, none of them are actually finished. Half of them feel abandoned, though.

And then, the innovation route is always veeery long and brings too much trouble to end users. See e.g. wayland.

in reply to It's FOSS

For the last 2-3 years I've been using #linuxmint and it has no problems, it's getting boring 🤣
in reply to It's FOSS

The worst thing with Debian Stable: There is an average delay of 1 year until I see what new bugs arrived in Plasma and what old ones are now fixed. It's always an exchange, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. Always an exciting lottery. 😀
in reply to It's FOSS

I hate what Fedora has done to me. Nobody should ever be spoiled that way. Everything just works. How do they expect me to learn anything if everything works?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

So I really see an alt text on this image? That's awesome! Please continue providing this alt text!
in reply to It's FOSS

Too many packages in the Debian repo. I could explore them for the rest of my life and get nothing done.
in reply to It's FOSS

Just switched from Arch based distro to Debian testing,,,, still getting the feel of the distro, but so far, I haven't been able to get touchpad gestures working on Firefox which is very annoying.
in reply to It's FOSS

The docs for NixOS suck, lol. Best distro. Worst docs.

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