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Items tagged with: docker

Build custom #Docker images to internationalize #pandoc and use it with non-Latin scripts.
Example image for Ukrainian, adding a font with #Cyrillic glyphs:

FROM pandoc/latex
RUN tlmgr install babel-ukrainian
RUN apk --no-cache add font-opensans

Build and use with

docker build -t pandoc/ukr -f Dockerfile .
docker run … pandoc/ukr --pdf-engine=lualatex …


mainfont: Open Sans
lang: uk

# Приклад українською

Цей текст не *дуже* цікавий.

#i18n #font #PDF #TeXLaTeX

Our handy guide will help you set up Docker correctly on Arch Linux.

#linux #docker

🪤 From @BleepingComputer:

「 The German researchers analyzed 337,171 images from Docker Hub and thousands of private registries and found that roughly 8.5% contain sensitive data such as private keys and API secrets.

The paper further shows that many of the exposed keys are actively used, undermining the security of elements that depend on them, like hundreds of certificates 」

#Docker #Infosec #Devops

Interested in developing with Nextcloud? 💙 We develop with #PHP and #VueJS, so whether you're frontend, backend or full-stack this tutorial helps you set up your locally running development environment via #Docker 🐳:

What's happening with #docker is yet another example of why centralization is a bad idea. Only a diversified ecosystem rich in alternatives can be reliable in the long run.

Time to ditch the official docker registry for new, independent ones.

#Docker is deleting open source organizations and asking them to pay $420 annually to continue.

Venture Capital is a !@%#$+ disease. Build companies the old fashioned way. Build a product that people want to buy, then sell it to them. Hire people when you have enough profit to afford them.

(Yes I recognize some business require huge up front capital and aren't possible without VC. They're the exception not the norm.)

IP cam running Dafang firmware > Frigate on #Docker on #RaspberryPi > Coral TPU #ML > #RaspberryPiPico & #Pimoroni Display Pack 2 = tiny image notifications when my camera detects an object.

I need a bigger display.. maybe a hyperpixel on a Pi Zero 2

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