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Items tagged with: superbowl

I see #SuperbOwl is trending. Here’s my favorite!

I see we’re sharing #SuperbOwl photos on Mastodon tonight. Alrighty then!

I met this gorgeous barn owl last year.

This is also one of my favourite owl photographs I've made. These two Barred Owl (Strix varia) owlets were sitting together on this branch and were nice enough to still be there when I returned with a longer lens!

A few more photos here:

#SuperbOwl #SuperbOwlSunday #WildlifePhotography #Wildlife #owls

Are you ready for the #SuperBowl? We are! 🏈

#Landsat took this photo of State Farm Stadium in Glendale, AZ.

And in 2020, NASA's ICESat-2 satellite measured the relative elevation of the stadium, which stands over 200 feet tall!

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