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Items tagged with: artemis

.@NASAJPL’s Lunar Flashlight will launch aboard a @SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket NET Thursday, Dec. 1, to hunt for surface water ice inside dark regions on the Moon that haven’t seen sunlight in billions of years.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Today, engineers continued with the jet firing development flight test objective to further our understanding of spacecraft operations.

A new objective was added to help engineers understand @NASA_Orion’s thermal performance for Artemis II and beyond.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

When #Artemis launch teams saw a small hydrogen leak before the launch of @NASA_SLS and @NASA_Orion, they sent out three members of the “red crew,” a group of specialists who are trained to fix hands-on issues during launch countdown.

Hear their story:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

On Nov. 26, Flight Day 11, @NASA_Orion’s optical navigation camera captured this lunar snapshot as the spacecraft was in distant retrograde orbit around the Moon.

Don’t forget there’s still time to share your #NASAMoonSnap during the #Artemis I mission!
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

On flight day 13 of the #Artemis I mission, @NASA_Orion reached its maximum distance from Earth, 268,563 miles away from home.

Orion has now traveled farther than any other spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space & safely return them to Earth.

Commander Moonikin Campos here. I’ve had a very busy day, taking selfies with the #LunaTwins, writing Tweets, capturing data from lunar orbit…

Sadly, I’ve got to let the #Artemis social media nerds have their account back.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Aside from me taking over the #Artemis @Twitter account, today was exciting for another reason — @NASA_Orion has hit its maximum distance from Earth, at over 270,000 miles!

I have accomplished so much. 🥹
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

LIVE NOW: The @NASA_Orion spacecraft is about halfway through the #Artemis I mission around the Moon. Hear from NASA leaders on the upcoming milestones leading up to splashdown on Dec. 11.

Stay tuned with the #Artemis I mission by:

Following this account
Using the @NASA_Orion tracker
Checking the @nasa TV schedule

All links are here:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Tonight at 5pm ET (22:00 UTC), @nasa leaders will provide an update on the #Artemis I mission, which we are now halfway through!

You know what they say, time flies when you’re flying around the Moon!
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

That’s all she wrote! Commander Moonikin Campos, over and out.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

In 1977 NASA's robotic Voyager 1 spacecraft captured the first full view of Earth & the Moon together in a single frame. Today @NASA_Orion, designed to carry astronauts to the Moon, sent its own view of the Earth-Moon system. Follow along with #Artemis I:

Commander Moonikin Campos reporting from lunar orbit.

Join me aboard the @NASA_Orion spacecraft with the @NASASTEM Learning Pathway series about the #Artemis mission! (I can’t promise you any snacks, though. I ate them all already.)
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

You may think it’s very lonely to be a crew of manikins aboard a spaceship flying to the Moon, but the reality is that we managed to fit a lot of companions into the @NASA_Orion spacecraft!

…Snoopy, get out of the way. You’re floating right in front of my view of the Moon.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

As the Moonikin flying aboard the @NASA_Orion spacecraft, I realize how lucky I am to be here! Not every manikin has this opportunity.

You know how the famous saying goes… “One small step for a man, one giant leap for a manikin.”
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

This is our view from @NASA_Orion right now. ❤
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Because we recently broke the Apollo 13 record for farthest distance of a spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and safely return them to Earth, I want to acknowledge my namesake, who is known for his contributions to the Apollo 13 mission. 1/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Arturo Campos (the human) grew up in Laredo, Texas, hailing from a Mexican-American family. He started working at his dad’s auto mechanic shop, and went on to earn an engineering degree before joining @NASA_Johnson in the 1960s. 2/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Working during the Apollo era, Campos used his engineering background to help design the electrical systems used in lunar modules — including the one used during the first Moon landing in 1969. 3/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

The explosion crippled their ship. Unless somebody helped them, those astronauts would have been toast! (And not the kind you eat for breakfast.) 5/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

One day, disaster struck. An oxygen tank ruptured aboard the Apollo 13 spacecraft while it was on its way to the Moon. The astronauts were left without their normal supply of electricity, light, and water some 200,000 miles from Earth. 4/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Arturo Campos dived into the rescue effort. Thinking on his feet, he rewrote a plan to divert electricity from other parts of the spacecraft into the ship’s essential systems. The plan was relayed to the crew via mission control. 6/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

It was no easy fix, but it got the job done. Four days later, the Apollo 13 astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, exhausted but safe. Campos helped save their lives. 7/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

The Apollo 13 mission would go down in history as a “successful failure” because of the experience gained in rescuing the crew members. Campos’ knowledge played a key role in the team’s efforts. So to me, he’s a hero. 8/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

P.S. …I hope my own trip home isn’t quite as dramatic! 9/9
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

This is RIGHT NOW. @NASA_Orion is looking back at Earth and the Moon from distant retrograde orbit. Watch the #Artemis I livestream:

A couple days ago, my crewmates @DLR_en (Helga), @ILSpaceAgency (Zohar), and I hit a very important milestone!

@NASA_Orion broke the record for the farthest distance of spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and safely return them to Earth.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Hey there! Remember me? It’s Commander Moonikin Campos, and I’m taking over this account again… but this time, from the Moon!

As I write these Tweets, my crew and I are flying aboard the @NASA_Orion spacecraft in a distant retrograde orbit!
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

I am joined on the #Artemis I mission by my two trusted companions, Helga and Zohar, aka the #LunaTwins!

Not only are Helga and Zohar joining me here inside @NASA_Orion… they are also joining me here on @Twitter!
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

On the 12th day of the #Artemis I mission, @NASA_Orion continued its distant retrograde orbit of the Moon and engineers conducted more planned tests on the star trackers - navigational equipment that helps the spacecraft determine its orientation:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

From the Moon to Mars—#SmallBusiness is big business to @NASA_OSBP. In fact, over 700 small businesses work on our #Artemis program.

Interested in how your business can contribute to our missions this #SmallBusinessSaturday? Get started at:

Today, @NASA_Orion will break the record for farthest distance of a spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and safely return them to Earth. This record is currently held by Apollo 13.

Hear from Apollo astronauts and flight directors on the future of #Artemis:

LIVE NOW: The @NASA_Orion spacecraft is performing a burn to enter a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon, an orbit that is high altitude from the surface of the Moon and opposite the direction of the Moon travels around Earth. #Artemis

Talk about showing both sides of the story. Nice frontback, Orion.

On flight day 9, @NASA_Orion took these images looking forward to the Moon, and back home toward Earth.

More full-res images:
Track #Artemis I in real time:

.@NASA_Johnson flight controllers successfully performed a burn to insert @NASA_Orion into a distant retrograde orbit.

While in lunar orbit, flight controllers will monitor key systems and perform checkouts while in the environment of deep space.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

On the ninth day of the #Artemis I mission, the @NASA_Orion spacecraft completed its sixth outbound trajectory correction burn at 4:52pm ET (21:52 UTC). This is the final trajectory correction before entering distant retrograde orbit tomorrow.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Spot the Snoopy! Not only is the beagle explorer floating in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, he's also the zero-gravity indicator on our #Artemis I mission currently flying around the Moon.

More about @Snoopy & NASA:

.@NASA_Orion continues to travel away from the Moon as it prepares to enter a distant retrograde orbit.

Orion will reach its farthest distance from the Moon on Nov. 25, just before performing the next major burn to enter the orbit.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Flight controllers unexpectedly lost data to and from @NASA_Orion at 1:09 am ET for 47 minutes while reconfiguring the communication link between Orion and the Deep Space Network. The team resolved the issue and Orion remains in a healthy configuration.

[Video embedded in original tweet]
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

The @NASA_Orion spacecraft is now on its seventh day into the #Artemis I mission.

Orion will exit the lunar sphere of influence, or the gravitational pull of the Moon, at 11:31 pm ET (04:31 UTC) and continue traveling toward distant retrograde orbit.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

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