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Latest cartoon: Quackery Quotas

The right's cries for "ideological diversity" sound fair to well-meaning people who believe in good-faith debate as a way to arrive at the truth. But truth is not the goal here; the goal is power.

#education #science #college #university #climatechange

in reply to Jen Sorensen

absolutely. Ideas are not sentient and don't deserve rights in the way that people do. Many people are confused about this.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

yes ... that's how it is in Poland ... nothing else matters, the economy is not important, man, it is important to gain power and a lot of money at the same time, because this is the most important thing ....
in reply to Jen Sorensen

nearly spit my coffee out when I saw the bottom left panel's Watt Malsh stand-in
in reply to Jason Kraus

Oh, is that Matt Walsh? I thought it was V Gorka.

<searching DDG images> Hmm... those two look suspiciously similar. Has anyone seen them in the same room together?

in reply to Mike M.

@mmlvx @zbyte64 He's not supposed to be anyone in particular, although he did come out fairly Gorka-esque.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

If you want to see ideological diversity, just go outside and sit in the sun for a couple hours. Breathe in the fresh Canadian wildfire smoke. Isn't it great that Earth doesn't have a preferred state?

Good thing our society is balanced with those who follow science and those who treat it like a subscription service they can opt out of.

in reply to Jen Sorensen

the Union Army also taught formerly-enslaved ppl useful skills.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

"The goal here is power." Speak for yourself. The true left speak truth to power
in reply to marrs

@marrs I'm not saying the goal of the left is power, I'm talking about charlatans on the right
in reply to Jen Sorensen

so you're not opposed to ideological diversity yourself then?

BTW, can you explain the last panel? The reference went over my head

in reply to marrs

@marrs The last panel is about the Florida educational curriculum under Gov. DeSantis teaching the "positives" of slavery

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