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Everyone's year of the Linux desktop is different.

What's yours?

in reply to It's FOSS

Rich, mostly enjoyable, often impressive, not infrequently inspiring, always educational, almost daily better and with anticipation for continuing progress (and for #linuxmobile too!). ☺️ I wish I could pass on the experience, the learning and the good feeling to my #macos and #windows friends. But like most things in life, #linuxdesktop is a journey you have to want to take.
in reply to It's FOSS

All our PCs run #GnuLinux but objectively the #yearofthelinuxdesktop can only be once you can step into a store and buy a laptop with #Linux preinstalled at an affordable or similar price to #Windows laptops.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

We should have #LUGs or other clubs in every country to promote and drive #LinuxAdoption and #opensource / #foss #freesoftware especially in #schools where they may need help in managing computer labs...

Educate them and expose them to foss linux #privacy while they're still young...

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

Amazing read! Thanks for sharing! 🙌 #bitwig was my #resolve as I made the transition from decades of #macos based #musicproduction to #linuxaudio. Back then I wrote an article about the journey. Not as elaborate as yours though, but still...
in reply to It's FOSS

This turned out to be my year of the Linux Mint desktop. For the first time in a long time, my workflow is my own.

What I hope 3rd party proprietary software companies realize is that they are increasingly competing with the proprietary OS platforms themselves. Apple, Microsoft, and Google need to find new revenue streams for their shareholders, and thus vacuum up more territory once owned by their developers (along with 30% of their revenue).

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