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Items tagged with: bash

Happy birthday to one of the best shells, Bash!! 🥳

Which shell do you use? Comment 👇

#linux #bash #linuxterminal

especially as #bash does not merge its history from across different terminal sessions.

And probably it's something simple like last session to exit gets to write the history but it still feels like a black magic mystery to me after all these years...


I've been using #Fish for 4 months now, I love it for everything except for scripting. Fish scripting language is very nice and simple but not compatible with #Bash .

Here's how to check if a file/directory exists in Bash.



Learn how to check for empty variables in Bash.



Bash your way into handling string operations effectively.

#bash #linux

In this edition of our Bash Basics series, learn how to use arrays.

#bash #linux

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