Items tagged with: bots
The Mastodon server has been a huge part of the fediverse, and while it's sad it's being retired, I trust that the creative botmaking community will continue to thrive.
"So, given two choices -- asking for more donations so I can pay for more hardware to keep the instance running, or retiring it and encouraging people to support more community-oriented instances, I'll choose the second option every time."
Fuck π off π "stale" π bots.
If you are a developer that uses these to automatically close issues that have been valid for months and conveniently rely on a response from ONE person in an ocean of other responses, please reconsider your life choices. If there were no other responses? Fine. That's on the person to reply. But the bot should immediately eject itself from the conversation the moment someone else chimes in. Closing issues like this seriously hurts discoverability for developers and users alike.
New study suggests effort users put in cracking these puzzles every day may be more trouble than its worth. A recent comprehensive study reveals that automated bots are substantially more efficient than humans at cracking Captcha tests, a widely used security measure on 100s of popular websites.