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Items tagged with: 三股野良猫

On our way back from the park, our usual destination for the twice-daily dog walk, we met big leopard street cat again. Our car-port rescue-cat has the same sort of markings, maybe this street cat is one of Milky's (MilkyWay's) ancestors? a parent?

This cat looked like it was ready to pounce on Maron the Shiba Dog. Maron was oblivious trying to play with another cat just inside the gate. With Maron distracted by the other cat I was able to get close to this cat and scratch under the chin. The chin was fine, an attempt to stroke the back made the cat uncomfortable: I guess we're not that intimate or trustworthy yet. I was surprised to be able to touch it at all, and not get scratched at all either..

#StreetCat #MimataStreetCat #MilkyWayAncestor #野良猫 #三股野良猫

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