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Items tagged with: CatsOfMastodon

A striking image of the rare 'furry land turtle’. This specimen is named Cocoa.

#caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon

I thought I joined mastodon to find tech and news content. I was wrong.

I am here exclusively for #catsofmastodon

My super old and blind cat Rowdy loves to hang out on the second story porch, but he’s become so skinny he can fit through the railings. He has significant balance issues these days, and when he sticks his head and ENTIRE upper body through, I worry that one wrong move and he’d tumble head first to his death. I stopped letting him go
out there because I was so worried. Saw this on Tik Tok, decided to try it. Haven’t stopped cackling since. 🤣 #CatsOfMastodon

Wise hasn't been here long enough to know counters are off limits. She demands merch tho. #cats #catsofmastodon

I bought my cats a cat bed for Christmas, and it shipped in a box that I fear will be a bigger hit than the bed itself. #caturday #catsofmastodon #catstodon #cats #cutecats

#catsofmastodon I meant to post this for #Caturday but forgot. I bought this cave for the other cat, but Choco has decided it was for her.

Good morning (eastern time, US) my fellow tooters! #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Lucy

Our cat had to go to the vet today, and our dog was very upset about it and now won’t let her out of her sight. #sisters #DogsOfMastodon #CatsOfMastodon

Portrait of Woman with Cat

Model: Collibrina (and Jackson as the cat)

From a great session this spring. There's a little Vermeer inspiration in this.

#Photography #ModelPhotography #Collibrina #LawrencesView #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

it’s #Caturday so please accept my cat’s contribution to #CatsOfMastodon

this neighborhood calico has been skittish for a while but a cold morning and a soft lap in the sun with just-right ear scratches made me a new friend.❤️#catsofmastodon

She is comfortable enough to routinely steal my chair now.

#CatsOfMastodon #Catstodon

On a walk into the sunset with Strange-cat.

(Vertical pic.)

#caturday #cats #catsofmastodon

I don’t think Cocoa has yet graced the Cats of Mastodon timeline so anyway, here’s Cocoa.


You always thought that keeping all body parts under the covers was the only way to keep you safe at night. It's only when you bring a furry little monster into your house that you realize that you were right all along.
#Catsunday #CatsOfMastodon #claws

Happy #Caturday! This is our goofball, demonstrating why we bought that vase from a fellow Oregon Pottery Assoc. artist. He loves sleeping on his head!


As autumn has firmly taken hold Captain Jack has made a start on his thicker, fluffier, coat ready for winter.

The sunshine streaming in from behind him is nicely highlighting his fur and fabulous whiskers.

#caturday #cats #catsofmastodon #tabby #TabbyCat

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