Items tagged with: LowCarbonComputing
Hi everyone, I am organising LOCO 2024, 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing
It's hybrid and will be held 3 Dec 2024, in Glasgow (Scotland) and on line.
Please consider submitting, whether you're academic or not, and please spread the word.
If anyone would be interested in giving an online talk related to #FrugalComputing or #LowCarbonComputing or #SustainableComputing for my research group, some time in October, November or December, please let me know. You don't have to be an academic researcher.
For info, my research group page:
Closes 11 May
The position can be either full-time or part-time.
Part of the role can be done remotely; on-campus presence is required for certain duties.
Salary scales:
Grade 7: £38,474 - £43,155
Grade 8: £47,047 - £54,421
Grade 9: £56,048 - £63,059
The paper (from 2018) estimates that online advertising has a carbon footprint of 60Mton CO2e. This compares to a total footprint of all ICT of about 1.3Gton CO2e, so about 5%.