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Items tagged with: Retrocomputing

Anyone want to buy a “new” Microbee?
Price is too steep for me. #retrocomputing

It’s amazing that this IBM flowcharting template from 1963 works just find when used with an ipad! #retrocomputing


Boy does this sound familiar lol. This is from "The Soul of a New Machine" on the Data General's first 32-bit machine in the late-70s/early-80s #retrocomputing…

Forgive me if I'm sharing this a second time but I'm still impressed that someone made a socket compatible FPGA-based 6502 that will run at 100 MHz in an actual Apple II, Commodore 64, etc. #retrocomputing…

I bought the Stone Design Suite back in the early days of OS X #RetroComputing

What app stores looked like before the App Store:

Solaris ran on PowerPC? Fascinating. I miss the days where we had diversity of hardware and CPU vendors. I guess that's why I'm a big fan of ARM and RISC-V... #retrocomputing

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