Items tagged with: advancedplanthabitataph
Chile Flowers Bloom in Space #NASA #AdvancedPlantHabitatAPH #InternationalSpaceStationISS #ISSResearch
Chile Flowers Bloom in Space - NASA
In July 2021, NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station started growing chile peppers in the Advanced Plant Habitat, as part of the PlantNASA
Fresh Chiles Spice Up Taco Night #NASA #AdvancedPlantHabitatAPH #Astronauts #HumansInSpace #InternationalSpaceStationISS #ISSResearch #RajaChari
Fresh Chiles Spice Up Taco Night - NASA
Taco Night on the International Space Station had a little kick to it on Nov. 26, 2021. In this image taken by NASA astronaut Kayla Barron, fellow NASANASA