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Items tagged with: algorave

Good morning! Start your day with a recording of my set at the TOPLAP Asia live stream from Saturday

Featuring the Fitness Gram Pacer Test and repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition #livecoding #algorave

1 day left to get your applications in for (Algo|Afro) Futures!

Read what Emily Mulenga said about their experience of being part of the 2021 cohort:

"The (Algo|Afro) Futures project set me up with a brilliant new skill. It was my first time coding, and @hellocatfood and @yaxu made the learning process super enjoyable. It was also great to be part of a cohort and to be able to support one another. Since the program I’ve been able to apply my skills to a project in collaboration with Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (Cut Copy Remix 2) where I created a piece of live coded music based on ringtones."

The paid programme is open to UK-based Black artists.

Details and application form are on the website:

⏰ Application deadline 17:00 5th May

#algorave #livecoding #creativecoding #artistopportunity

The #demoscene and #algorave are meeting up: check out this wonderfully amazing live set by Alicef (@neauoire)

So good. 💖

Experience it at


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