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Items tagged with: client

@utzer [Friendica]
It was, and I managed to find the log file! It's saying:
(date/time)(php:error)(PID #)(client IP address) PHP Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Connection refused in: (path/to/friendica/install/and/database)
It says that... a lot of times, seems at least 100, and then afterwards it says Caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully.
After that it gave a couple of lines of PHP Fatal error, no such file or directory in /friendica/install.
Note: The IPs in the fatal error lines are all different

Propably because #Nextcloud is not only far cheaper than #SharePoint - espechally if one needs geo-redundant #HighAvailability and #Clustering - but also because Nextcloud like any good #Linux & #Unix application can seamlessly use existing #storage infrastructure, meaning that besides the #WebApp and sync #Client basically any server and application can be integrated or interact with said data natively via existing #API's and interfaces.

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