Items tagged with: funding
Unsere #Job- und #Funding-Schätze - dieses Mal zur Wochenmitte:
NLnet vergibt in der neuen Sparte NGI TALER Grants in Höhe von 5.000 € bis 50.000 € für "Privacy-preserving digital payments". (Frist: 1.4.):
An alle Design-affinen Menschen - @findhr sucht jemanden, die*der die Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsbereich "Discrimination in Algorithmic Hiring" visuell zum Leben erweckt:
The Human Virome Project is coming y’all!
Notices of Intent to Publish went out yesterday to announce 4 upcoming NIH funding opportunities:
1. Consortium Organization and Data Collaborating Center
2. Longitudinal characterization of the virome in cohorts
3. Tools for interrogation and annotation of the virome
4. Functional interactions between viruses, human, and microbial hosts
All proceeds go to #funding development of new features and improving Kdenlive.
Aren’t we lucky that some guy in Germany decided to spend his own time, money, and effort to build it?
Hopefully we’ll get lucky again…
Or, you know, maybe we can finally consider supporting tech that’s in the common good from the common purse. And fund organisations and long-term development, not just ad-hoc academic “projects” that get abandoned the moment the money is gone.
#funding #tech #eu #commons
The Future of Internet Regulation at the European Parliament
A brief write-up of my talk at the EU Parliament last week with embedded videos of my talk and a link to my slides.Aral Balkan