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Items tagged with: q

Hello! Quarterly Q&A tomorrow, Friday 17. March 2023, at 20:10 CEST. You can ask questions in: Telegram ( and IRC #q-and-a channel. We will answer live - stream on Discord, YouTube and PeerTube.

Two out of five of the people killed were trans people

Anti trans hate group "LGB Alliance" specifically missing them out of their fake concern comment is on purpose and is the only reason they posted anything

Says what their beliefs are loud and clear. Absolutely sick

#LGBAlliance #Q #hate #lgbt #coloradosprings

How to bypass VPN restrictions


Our Community Q&A session starts in about 15 minutes! Time to

Reminder: you can hear it on our Discord ( or TILvids (!

You can ask questions in the Discord chat, or on our IRC ( Channel name
on either platform is "#q-and-a".

See you there!

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