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#MovieThread, 2022 edition!

In 2020 I watched 239 movies.
In 2021 I watched another 391,
for a total of 650 movies since very early into first lockdown.

That's probably all the movies, right?
in reply to Alex Daily!

Shoot, I found more movies.

Let's start with something just as topical as last year's first one, #1, or #651, 1973's "Soylent Green."

It's the year 2022...
#1 #651
in reply to Alex Daily!

#2, #652, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2009's "Knowing."

But do I Know what this is about? I've Know idea.
#2 #652
in reply to Alex Daily!

#3, #653, I gotta get back to these, it's 1938 Best Picture nominee "Four Daughters."

This is before the 80s, when Hollywood perfected the "two schmucks with a bad idea" formula, so they've overshot to "four daughters."
#3 #653
in reply to Alex Daily!

#4, #654, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2009's "The Bad Lieutenant - Port of Call: New Orleans."

An unwieldy title like that doesn't... traditionally... mean... good things.
#4 #654
in reply to Alex Daily!

#5, #655, we Cage ever onwards, with another one I'd never put on without a reason, but in a completely different way, it's 2009's "G-Force," about a team of highly trained guinea pig spies.
#5 #655
in reply to Alex Daily!

#6, #656, we Cage ever onwards with another celebrity voice cast children's cartoon, it's 2009's "Astro Boy," in which he voices... the professor?
#6 #656
in reply to Alex Daily!

#7, #657, we Cage ever onwards, with 2010's "Kick-Ass."

Saw it when it came out, but I can't imagine it's aged... particularly gracefully.
#7 #657
in reply to Alex Daily!

#9, #659, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2010's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." Which you'd think would have Mickey Mouse in it, but it doesn't.
#9 #659
in reply to Alex Daily!

#10, #660, we Cage ever onwards with 2011's "Season of the Witch," which I'm pretty sure is about the Plague, no, not that one, the other one.
#10 #660
in reply to Alex Daily!

#11, #661, 2010's "MacGruber" because I wanna know if I should bother with that show they just dropped.
#11 #661
in reply to Alex Daily!

#11, #662, Netflix has been pushing me to watch whatever the fuck 1991's "Hudson Hawk" is, so whatever, let's watch whatever the fuck 1991's "Hudson Hawk" is.
#11 #662
in reply to Alex Daily!

Just found out there's a "Weekend at Bernie's II" (1993) and I have to know, I have to know how they get there!

#13 or #663.
#13 #663
in reply to Alex Daily!

#14, or #664, 2018's "Welcome to Marwen," which, I don't even remember why I downloaded this or what it's about.
#14 #664
in reply to Alex Daily!

I'm not doing anything else productive today, #15, or #665, 2021's "The Lost Daughter."
#15 #665
in reply to Alex Daily!

#17, or #667, the number of the neighbour of the Beast but just as evil, 2021's "Dear Evan Hansen."
#17 #667
in reply to Alex Daily!

#18, #668, we M Night Shyamalan ever onwards, it's 2010's "The Last Airbender."
#18 #668
in reply to Alex Daily!

#19, #669, 1996's "Scream."

I'm two seconds in and this might be the most MTV thing I've ever seen.
#19 #669
in reply to Alex Daily!

They keep talking about the sequel at the end of the first one, so, you know. #20, #670, 1997's "Scream 2."
#20 #670
in reply to Alex Daily!

#21, #671, 2000's "Scream 3." Might as well just go through these, I guess.
#21 #671
in reply to Alex Daily!

#22, #672, 2011's "Scream 4."

I've gone too far forward in time! These characters have seen "Saw 4," and I haven't.
#22 #672
in reply to Alex Daily!

#23, #673, 2021's "The Tragedy of Macbeth."

I don't think I've actually seen a Macbeth? Read some Donald Duck adaptations, seen the Blackadder episode, but not a full Macbeth.
#23 #673
in reply to Alex Daily!

#24, #674, we Cage ever onwards into what I'm pretty sure is Cage's de-naissance, a real rebirth of his trash era, 2011's "Drive Angry."
#24 #674
in reply to Alex Daily!

#25, #675, we Cage ever onwards, 2011's "Seeking Justice," whatever that's about.

50/50 on "Justice" being the name of a character.
#25 #675
in reply to Alex Daily!

#26, #676, we Cage ever onwards, I'm firmly in the second trash era now, gotta keep up the momentum on these terrible movies that I'm not enjoying, it's 2011's "Trespass."
#26 #676
in reply to Alex Daily!

#27, #677, it's the 1938 Best Picture winner, Frank Capra's "You Can't Take It With You."

I liked "Mr Deeds Goes to Town," I liked "It Happened One Night," a Frank Capra picture is the closest thing to a sure shot in the Best Picture nominees so far.
#27 #677
in reply to Alex Daily!

Been looking forward to this one, #28, or #678, we Spielberg ever onwards, it's 2011's "The Adventures of Tintin."
#28 #678
in reply to Alex Daily!

#29, or #679, 1976's "Carrie."

Not actually entirely sure what this one's about? Girl, high school, blood, gym, maybe she's psychic?
#29 #679
in reply to Alex Daily!

war horse
war horse
war horse, of course

#30, or #680, we Spielberg ever onwards with 2011's "War Horse."
#30 #680
in reply to Alex Daily!

#33, or #683, I return! To the reopened movie theatre! And also to the Matrix!

Leaving now to go see 2021's "The Matrix Resurrections" again.
#33 #683
in reply to Alex Daily!

i watched the 2h20m n*f*t video and it's on letterboxd so i'm fucking counting it

#34, or #684, 2022's "Line Goes Up: The Problem With [N*F*T]s."
#34 #684
in reply to Alex Daily!

#35, or #685, we Shyamalan ever onwards, 2013's "After Earth."

I have not heard good things.
#35 #685
in reply to Alex Daily!

#36, or #686, leaving now to go see 2022's "Scream," which had better inform me substantially about the state of the "Stab" franchise for the past decade.
#36 #686
in reply to Alex Daily!

#37, or #687, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2013's "The Frozen Ground," which I think is about a real serial killer?
#37 #687
in reply to Alex Daily!

#40, or #690, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2013's "Joe."

you know, the joe from 2013
#40 #690
in reply to Alex Daily!

#41, or #691, hey, that's right, I don't think I even need to say what movie I'm watching today.
#41 #691
in reply to Alex Daily!

#42, or #692, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2014's "Rage," though I guess it's on Netflix as "Tokarev."
#42 #692
in reply to Alex Daily!

#43, or #693, 1938 Best Picture nominee "Boys Town," which I think is about... a real home for underprivileged youths?

This kind of biopic doesn't usually hold up, and Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney are in it, so I'm giving this: Bad odds.
#43 #693
in reply to Alex Daily!

I skipped this one when it came out because I had... some issue with it, that I now can't recall. Maybe it's racist, or transphobic or something? But if I don't watch it, it's gonna keep bothering me.

#44, or #694, I sigh and put on 2013's "Kick-Ass 2."
#44 #694
in reply to Alex Daily!

#45, or #695, at least he's in this one, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2014's "Outcast," in which he and Hayden Christensen are... crusaders? Something like that?
#45 #695
in reply to Alex Daily!

#46, or #696, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2014's "Left Behind," which. This can't possibly be good, right.
#46 #696
in reply to Alex Daily!

#47, or #697, leaving now to go see 2021's "King Richard," in which Will Smith... teaches tennis?
#47 #697
in reply to Alex Daily!

I couldn't find this when I first looked, so I skipped it, but now I've found it, so I'm watching it: #49, or #699, the only film Cage *directed*, 2002's "Sonny."
#49 #699
in reply to Alex Daily!

#50, or #700, 1938 Best Picture nominee "Pygmalion." Which is just "My Fair Lady," innit.
#50 #700
in reply to Alex Daily!

#51, or #701, leaving now to go see 2022's "Marry Me," because-- Look, Keenspot obviously sucks now, but I'm still a 90s/00s webcomics kid at heart, damnit.
#51 #701
in reply to Alex Daily!

#52, or #702, we Cage ever onwards, 2014's "Dying of the Light," whatever that's about.
#52 #702
in reply to Alex Daily!

What if I watched something that looks like I might actually enjoy it, well, bad news, tough shit, it's #53, or #703, we Cage ever onwards with 2015's "The Runner."
#53 #703
in reply to Alex Daily!

What if I watched something that looks like I might actually enjoy it, well, good news, soft shit, it's #54, or #704, M Night Shyamalan's 2015 film "The Visit."
#54 #704
in reply to Alex Daily!

#55, or #705, we Cage ever onwards, 2015's "Pay the Ghost."

this had better be about ghosts unionising
#55 #705
in reply to Alex Daily!

#56, or #706, we Spielberg ever onwards, 2015's "Bridge of Spies."

Not one of the better known Spielbergs, no idea what it's about besides, presumably, bridge (singular) and spies (plural).
#56 #706
in reply to Alex Daily!

#58, or #708, 2016's "The Hunt for the Wilderpeople." It's a Taika Waititi, I think it's kiwis in the woods, additional data not found.
#58 #708
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see #59, or #709, 2022's "Jackass Forever."

Never was much of an MTV kid, but I'll watch people get cannonballed in the nuts for an hour and a half or whatever, sure.
#59 #709
in reply to Alex Daily!

#61, or #711, 1979's "Star Trek: The Motion Picture."

Be nice to see this crew again, it's been a while since I finished TOS.
#61 #711
in reply to Alex Daily!

#64, or #714, I need to sleep through a storm that's really not even peaked yet so I guess I'll watch another one, we Cage ever onwards though I think Cage just has a pretty small part, 2016's "Snowden."
#64 #714
in reply to Alex Daily!

#65, or #715, let's watch some teens get horrormurdered or whatever, 2018's "Truth or Dare."
#65 #715
in reply to Alex Daily!

#66, or #716, we Cage ever onwards, 2016's "USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage," which looks like a fairly typical American WW2 picture, but possibly with more shark attacks than usual?
#66 #716
in reply to Alex Daily!

#67, or #717, let's watch something better, we Shyamalan ever onwards, it's 2016's "Split."
#67 #717
in reply to Alex Daily!

#68, or #718, we Cage ever onwards with 2017's "Arsenal."

Which I don't think has anything to do with the soccer team, but does apparently feature Cage reprising his ridiculous character from 1993's "Deadfall."
#68 #718
in reply to Alex Daily!

We Cage ever onwards, #719, 2017's "Vengeance: A Love Story."

Which, movie's gonna be bad, for sure, but that's a great title.
in reply to Alex Daily!

#71, or #721, we Cage ever onwards, 2017's, "The Humanity Bureau."

Not a clue what this is about, but the average Letterboxd rating of 1.2 ⭐ does not inspire great confidence.
#71 #721
in reply to Alex Daily!

#73, or #273, leaving now to go see what is apparently a 50th anniversary screening of 1972's "The Godfather."
#73 #273
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for...

#74, or #274, 2004's "Garfield."
#74 #274
in reply to Alex Daily!

#75, or #725, we Cage ever onwards, it's 2017's "Mom and Dad."

I assume Cage plays the dad, but I think it'd be very funny if he played, like, somebody called John Mom.
#75 #725
in reply to Alex Daily!

#76, or #726, we Spielberg ever onwards, 2017's "The Post."

This is either about mail or newspapers.
#76 #726
in reply to Alex Daily!

#77, or #727, we Spielberg ever onwards BUT NO FURTHER, it's the last one I haven't seen, 2018's "Ready Player One."
#77 #727
in reply to Alex Daily!

#80, or #730, we Cage ever onwards, 2018's "Mandy."

No idea what it's about, but I know it gets held up as Good Cage.
#80 #730
in reply to Alex Daily!

#81, or #731, we Cage ever onwards, 2018's "211."

This looks like some cop shit, so, you know, not expecting high engagement on this one.
#81 #731
in reply to Alex Daily!

#82, or #732, we Cage ever onwards, because I think he voices Superman in this one, it's 2018's "Teen Titans Go! To The Movies."
#82 #732
in reply to Alex Daily!

#83, or #733, we continue to Cage ever onwards, it's 2018's "Between Worlds."
#83 #733
in reply to Alex Daily!

#85, or #735, we Cage onwards and onwards, it's 2019's "Running with the Devil."

Absolutely no way this doesn't suck absolute eggs.
#85 #735
in reply to Alex Daily!

#86, or #736, it's another one that looks fucking terrible, but what are you gonna do about it, we Cage ever onwards, 2019's "Kill Chain."
#86 #736
in reply to Alex Daily!

#90, or #740, we Cage ever onwards, and yet backwards, it's 2020's "The Croods: A New Age."

If I recall correctly, I called the first one "a perfectly fine movie for 9-year olds."
#90 #740
in reply to Alex Daily!

After a dark and endless night, we Cage ever onwards into a bright dawn for: The Final Cage.

#92, #742, 2021's "Prisoners of the Ghostland."
#92 #742
in reply to Alex Daily!

#93, or #743, 1939 Best Picture nominee "The Citadel."

Which, if I recall correctly, is about a Scottish doctor moving to Wales, and then to London? Maybe the Irish get involved somewhere.
#93 #743
in reply to Alex Daily!

#94, or #744, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Stagecoach."

I assume that's a western, so presumably it's cool but racist. (They might not have invented cool yet.)
#94 #744
in reply to Alex Daily!

#95, or #745, I watched 2017 legal documentary "Long Shot" because I got to the episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" that factors into it. Absolutely wild.
#95 #745
in reply to Alex Daily!

#96, or #746, I don't know if this is actually spoopy or just violence in a house, 2019's "Ready or Not."
#96 #746
in reply to Alex Daily!

#97, or #747, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Wuthering Heights."

This is the classic of English-language literature everyone I've ever seen talk about fucking hates, I think.
#97 #747
in reply to Alex Daily!

#98, or #748, I continue to ignore discourse about current films by simply hiding in a different century altogether, it's 1939 Best Picture nominee "Love Affair."
#98 #748
in reply to Alex Daily!

#100, or #750, 1920 German silent film "Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari," or, "The Cabinet of Dr Caligari."

You know, not a hard translation, that title.
#100 #750
in reply to Alex Daily!

#101, or #751, from the "I download random movies sometimes without really looking what they're about" pile, 1985's "Lost in America."
#101 #751
in reply to Alex Daily!

Let's watch another one, (incidentally putting me on an average of exactly one (1) movie a day since the official start of the pandemic in my country,) #103, or #753, 2022's "The Adam Project."
#103 #753
in reply to Alex Daily!

About to head out to go see-- Well, I don't know yet, it's a Sneak Preview screening, but it's probably 2022's "Moonfall"? #105, or #755.
#105 #755
in reply to Alex Daily!

#106, or #756, 2022's "Windfall," because sometimes you just hit play on a random new release on Netflix.
#106 #756
in reply to Alex Daily!

#107, or #757, 1986's "¡Three Amigos!", because they-- because they watch it in 2022's "Windfall" and I thought, hey, I could go for a Steve Martin/Martin Short comedy, good idea.
#107 #757
in reply to Alex Daily!

#108, or #758, 1987's "Ishtar," another one about people getting Tropic Thunder'd, apparently known as one of the worst movies ever made, because @thiskurt brought it up.
in reply to Alex Daily!

#109, or #759, 2016's "Swiss Army Man," which is the one about Paul Dano using Daniel Radcliffe's farting dead body as a boat and such. (I've seen it before.)
#109 #759
in reply to Alex Daily!

#110, or #760, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Dark Victory."

No idea what it's about, I think Ronald Reagan might be in it?
#110 #760
in reply to Alex Daily!

#111, or #761, I don't know what the right relationship between this movie and me eating some crisps is, but I've got some, anyway, it's 1939 Best Picture nominee "Goodbye, Mr Chips."
#111 #761
in reply to Alex Daily!

#112, or #762, 2021's "Boiling Point," which I understand to be a one-shot thriller set in a restaurant kitchen? That sounds good, yeah, I'll watch that.
#112 #762
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see #113, or #763, 2022's "Sonic the Hedgehog 2." I'm running slightly late, though, so I guess I, too, gotta go fast.
#113 #763
in reply to Alex Daily!

#114, or #764, at this point I think I've seen more deconstructions and reconstructions of the slasher genre than I have actual slashers, 2015's "The Final Girls."
#114 #764
in reply to Alex Daily!

#116, or #766, this seems like a good one for while I'm still slumped over from hay fever, 2022's "Turning Red."
#116 #766
in reply to Alex Daily!

#117, or #767, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Mr Smith Goes to Washington."

I understand this had some substantial real-world impact, and Frank Capra is generally pretty good, but does a political drama from 1939 hold up, like, at all?
#117 #767
in reply to Alex Daily!

#118, or #768, leaving now to go see 2021 Best Picture nominee "Belfast."

Which leaves me with just three I haven't seen, two of which I don't think ever played here ("CODA," "Drive My Car") and one of which filled me with apathy every time I looked at the poster. ("Nightmare Alley")
#118 #768
in reply to Alex Daily!

#119, or #769, leaving now to go see 2021's "The Man with the Answers."

Gay European road trip thing I think? Let's find out.
#119 #769
in reply to Alex Daily!

#120, or #770, 2006's "Marie Antoinette," which looks very pastel.
#120 #770
in reply to Alex Daily!

#121, or #771, leaving now for an 11am screening of 2022's "The Lost City," which really should have retained its original title "The Lost City of D."
#121 #771
in reply to Alex Daily!

#122, or #772, 2022 pandemic filmmaking comedy that dropped exactly too late "The Bubble."
#122 #772
in reply to Alex Daily!

#123, or #773, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Ninotchka."

Which I'm pretty sure was primarily marketed with the tag line "Garbo Laughs !", so that's probably not a great sign.
#123 #773
in reply to Alex Daily!

#124, or #774, you'd really think I would-a seen the time loop wedding comedy at some point but I haven't, 2020's "Love Wedding Repeat."
#124 #774
in reply to Alex Daily!

#125, or #775, 2021 depression-in-a-house horror picture "The Night House," solely because of this one shot, god-damn.

<img class=" title=":twitter:"/> 🔗
#125 #775
in reply to Alex Daily!

#126, or #776, 2022's "Fresh," in which Seb Stan is a... cannibal? A zombie? Look, if you watch a movie every day, sometimes you just pop one on and hope for the best.
#126 #776
in reply to Alex Daily!

This is what we've been Caging ever onwards to.



Leaving now to finally go see 2022's "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent."
#776 #127
in reply to Alex Daily!

#128, or #778, I was once again reminded there's only three movies by one notable director that I haven't seen yet when I've seen all his other ones, so fuck it, let's go.

From 2004, Zack Snyder's "Dawn of the Dead."
#128 #778
in reply to Alex Daily!

you know, I think this might be the exact movie I think of when I say I'm not into zombie movies

we watched it at school, no idea what the context was, when I was like 15 or 16, and I found it deeply unpleasant

but I liked "Army of the Dead," so
in reply to Alex Daily!

#129, or #779, another random movie just because somebody on letterboxd made it sound interesting and that's good enough for me, 2021 blind home invasion thriller "See For Me."
#129 #779
in reply to Alex Daily!

#130, or #780, at @kurt's absolutely whole-hearted and unequivocal recommendation, 1967 Canadian experimental room film "Wavelength."
in reply to Alex Daily!

#131, or #81, this one can't possibly be particularly offensive, SURELY, the second of the three unwatched Zack Snyder movies, 2010's "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole."
#81 #131
in reply to Alex Daily!

#132, or #782, 2020 Japanese sci-fi comedy "Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes," which I think is about a café owner who discovers his TV can see a whole two minutes into the future.
#132 #782
in reply to Alex Daily!

#133, or #783, let's follow that one up with the one everyone on Letterboxd compared it to, 2017 Japanese one shot zombie comedy "One Cut of the Dead."
#133 #783
in reply to Alex Daily!

#134, or #784, the last Zack Snyder I haven't seen, 2011's "Sucker Punch."
#134 #784
in reply to Alex Daily!

#135, or #785, leaving now to go see-- Well, it's Sneak Preview again, so I don't know yet.

It's probably 2022's "Morbius." But it could be anything.

(But it's "Morbius.")
#135 #785
in reply to Alex Daily!

#136, or #786, sure, I'll watch a dumb one about a cursed video game, 2022's "Choose or Die."
#136 #786
in reply to Alex Daily!

#138, or #788, I've randomly put on 2022's "No Exit."

bet they find one at the end
#138 #788
in reply to Alex Daily!

let's clear some things out from my downloads folder

*rolls some dice, flips a coin*

#139, or #789, 2022's "Deep Water," which I don't know anything about, except that there was Discourse that I've definitely already missed the window on.
#139 #789
in reply to Alex Daily!

#140, or #790, 2020's "Looks That Kill," about a young man who's... so handsome just looking at his face is lethal? Sure.
#140 #790
in reply to Alex Daily!

#141, or #791, 2000's "American Psycho," which I'm pretty sure is about Christian Bale (murderman) pretending to be Christian Bale (not a murderman)
#141 #791
in reply to Alex Daily!

#142, or #792, I understand this started production as an entirely unrelated film that was changed to be what it is now while they were already filming, 2002's "American Psycho II: All American Girl."
#142 #792
in reply to Alex Daily!

#143.1, or #793.1, point-one because this one's only 26 minutes long, way under the Academy's definition of "feature film," so I'm not allowed to count it, but I still wanted to thread it, 2020's "One Cut of the Dead Mission: Remote."
in reply to Alex Daily!

#144, or #794, 2020's "Spontaneous," which I think is a teen romcom set in a world where people can and do just spontaneously explode?

I'm sure this won't be extremely relatable to me, who has lived through more than two years of a global pandemic.
#144 #794
in reply to Alex Daily!

#145, or #795, 2014's "Unfriended."

Is this ghostmurdercrime by murderghost observed over video chat or just regular murdercrime by a murdercrimesman observed over video chat? Only one way to find out.
#145 #795
in reply to Alex Daily!

#146, or #796, leaving now to go see 2022 DreamWorks picture "The Bad Guys."
#146 #796
in reply to Alex Daily!

#147, or #797, I randomly downloaded this a while ago and then the other day it came up in something I was listening to -- or, well, the original play did -- so that's enough reason for me, 1992's "Noises Off."
#147 #797
in reply to Alex Daily!

I was gonna go see 2022's "Downton Abbey: A New Era" with my mom tomorrow, so the plan for today was to watch 2019's "Downton Abbey" -- having got through three seasons of the show -- but then my parents' car had a nervous breakdown, so that's been postponed.

Instead, one of those Letterboxd never shuts the fuck up about, #148, or #798, 1994 Chinese picture "Chunking Express."
#148 #798
in reply to Alex Daily!

Another one that's been on the pile for a while, no idea what it's about, #149, or #799, 2021's "C'mon C'mon."
#149 #799
in reply to Alex Daily!

#150, or #800, but I don't know what it is yet, leaving now for Sneak Preview.

I did my Sneak Preview guessing last night.
#150 #800
in reply to Alex Daily!

#151, or #801, leaving now to go see 2022's "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness."

> in the morning??

we've been over this
#151 #801
in reply to Alex Daily!

#153, or #803, 1971's "THX 1138."

You know, for a guy who kinda transformed the motion picture blockbuster /twice/, Lucas' work outside of Star Wars and Indiana Jones never really comes up as much as you'd think.
#153 #803
in reply to Alex Daily!

#154, or #804, I'm seeing the new one with my mom tomorrow morning, so, though I've only seen the first three seasons of the show, tonight, 2019's "Downton Abbey."
#154 #804
in reply to Alex Daily!

Did not actually go see the new "Downton Abbey," because my mom's car once again had an anxiety attack about the highway, so, instead, the opposite, but still a sequel:

#155, or #805, 1977's "Exorcist II: The Heretic."
#155 #805
in reply to Alex Daily!

1975's "Jaws" is one of the finest movies ever made. I'm pretty sure it doesn't need sequels.

#156, or #806, 1978's "Jaws 2."
#156 #806
in reply to Alex Daily!

#157, or #807, I guess it's Sequels Nobody Asked For Week, 1983's "Psycho II."
#157 #807
in reply to Alex Daily!

#158, or #808, Why Does This Sequel Exist Week carries on, with 2000's "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2."
#158 #808
in reply to Alex Daily!

#159, or #809, leaving now to go see 2022's "Everything Everywhere All at Once."
#159 #809
in reply to Alex Daily!

You know what day it is, I know what day it is, it's the only one this year.

#160, or #810, 1984's "Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter."

A brave to choice to bring a final, conclusive, definitive end to this 12-film franchise with the 4th instalment.
#160 #810
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's still the day it is, Jason is dead forever, let's see what's next.

#161, or #811, 1985's "Friday the 13th: A New Beginning," or "Tuesday the 17th."
#161 #811
in reply to Alex Daily!

One more, let's see how dead they keep Jason, it's

#162, or #812, "Wednesday the 18th" -- 1986's "Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives."

...Seriously? In the title?
#162 #812
in reply to Alex Daily!

#163, or #813, just gonna put on a favourite, 2020's "Palm Springs."
#163 #813
in reply to Alex Daily!

I took two days off from movies so I could actually finish school, but I return! To the movie theatre! For Sneak Preview! #164! #814! Exclamation mark!

(I think it's probably 2022's "Firestarter.")
#164 #814
in reply to Alex Daily!

#165, or #815, leaving now to actually go see 2022's "Firestarter."
#165 #815
in reply to Alex Daily!

#167, or #817, 2022's "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers."

Gotta keep up that weekly average one way or another.
#167 #817
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see in a cinema, because it's playing, blorbo knows why, #168, or #818, 2017's "Get Out."

I've seen it before -- Letterboxd says June 30, 2020, five stars, no review, about two weeks before I started doing the thread thing.
#168 #818
in reply to Alex Daily!

#169, or #819, I saw somebody on letterboxd call this "a unique concept for a thriller" even though as far as I can tell it's just "murder in a house," but okay, who doesn't like Katey Sagal, 2022 country music horror thriller picture "Torn Hearts."
#169 #819
in reply to Alex Daily!

#170, or #820, I understand this has two Karens Gillan in it, 2022's "Dual."
#170 #820
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see 2021's "After Yang." #171, or #821.

Not entirely sure what it's about, Colin Farrell being sad about robots maybe? I'll watch Colin Farrell be sad about robots.
#171 #821
in reply to Alex Daily!

#172, or #822, I'm watching the tea documentary referenced in #171, #821, 2021's "After Yang," 2007's "All in This Tea."

Will I have anything to say about it? Impossible to say.
#172 #171 #821 #822
in reply to Alex Daily!

Let's watch the opposite of that, #173, or #823, 1997's "Air Bud."
#173 #823
in reply to Alex Daily!

I scroll through various streaming services and simply click on the first thing that looks like it might be funny, #174, #824, 2022's "Senior Year."
#174 #824
in reply to Alex Daily!

#176, or #826, I think this is just "what if /r/nosleep but too much" but people are hyping it up, so let's give it a shot, 2021's "We're All Going to the World's Fair."
#176 #826
in reply to Alex Daily!

#177, or #827, not seen a bad John Carpenter film yet, 1987's "Prince of Darkness."
#177 #827
in reply to Alex Daily!

#178, or #828, 1998's "Deep Impact," because they watch it in 2022's "Senior Year."
#178 #828
in reply to Alex Daily!

#179, or #829, 1980's "Airplane!"

Literally first joke got me, a plane cutting through the clouds like a Jaws-ian shark, heehee.
#179 #829
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now for Sneak Preview. #180, or #830.

I have reasons to rule out all my guesses -- "Men," too horror, "Jurassic World 3," too sequel, "Memory," already the Unlimited Night screening -- so, no idea, we'll see!
#180 #830
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now for a Pride Night screening of 2021's "Swan Song." #181, or #831.

(I see a screening for something gay, I go see something gay, this is very simple.)
#181 #831
in reply to Alex Daily!

#182, or #832, let's watch something else gay, 1999's "But I'm a Cheerleader."
#182 #832
in reply to Alex Daily!

I appear to have recovered from 4 x 10 minutes of light exercise earlier today, so leaving now to go see 2022's "Jurassic World: Dominion." #183, or #833.
#183 #833
in reply to Alex Daily!

#184, or #834, sometimes I put on a movie that looks bad without a good reason, but this time it's because I've been listening to movie podcast The Flop House and they've finally done one that I haven't seen, 2022's "The King's Daughter."
#184 #834
in reply to Alex Daily!

#185, or #835, I have nothing else to do today so I sigh and put on 1939 Best Picture nominee and winner "Gone with the Wind."
#185 #835
in reply to Alex Daily!

#186, or #836, I watched this the day it came out but it wasn't on Letterboxd then, but now it is, Bo Burnham's "The Inside Outtakes."

Liked the original special, liked this, though it's clearly the weaker material, good and reasonable to cut all this.
#186 #836
in reply to Alex Daily!

#187, or #837, let's watch another John Carpenter, 1994's "In the Mouth of Madness."
#187 #837
in reply to Alex Daily!

#189, or #839, leaving now to go see 2022 Liam Neeson amnesia thriller "Memory," because, uhhh, because it's the subscription-exclusive early screening and I am not one to turn down free popcorn and a drink and what else am I doing tonight, anyway, right.
#189 #839
in reply to Alex Daily!

#190, or #840, the year is 1951, and Alec Guinness is -- "The Man in the White Suit."
#190 #840
in reply to Alex Daily!

#192, or #842, leaving now to go see 2022's "Men."

People always express some doubt when I say I might have a dash of face-blindness but when I first saw it I genuinely didn't realise all the men in the trailer for 2022's "Men" were Rory Kinnear, so.
#192 #842
in reply to Alex Daily!

#193, or #843, let's watch Brendan Fraser do a 90s version of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" or whatever this is about, it's 1999's "Blast from the Past."
#193 #843
in reply to Alex Daily!

#194, or #844. Leaving now for Sneak Preview -- my guess: 2022's "Elvis," maybe?
#194 #844
in reply to Alex Daily!

Every streaming service that has it has been pushing me to watch this for years, let's find out what impression I've given these algorithms, #195, or #845, 2013's "We're the Millers."
#195 #845
in reply to Alex Daily!

#196, or #846, wrapping up the 1930s, 1939 Best Picture nominee "Of Mice and Men."
#196 #846
in reply to Alex Daily!

Just got back from seeing 2022's "Lightyear" with the Brother, #197, or #847.
#197 #847
in reply to Alex Daily!

#198, or #848, another one Netflix has been subtly pushing at me for ages, 2019 Seth Rogen comedy "Long Shot."
#198 #848
in reply to Alex Daily!

#202, or #852, 1980's "The Ninth Configuration," which I understand is an alternative followup to "The Exorcist."
#202 #852
in reply to Alex Daily!

#203, or #853, too hot outside to go to the cinema, so I'm staying inside and watching 1974's "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three."
#203 #853
in reply to Alex Daily!

I always look movies up at least a little before I download them, but I don't remember what this one's about at all, #205, or #855, 1988's "Miracle Mile."
#205 #855
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now for Sneak Preview again. #206, or #856.

(No guess. Who even knows!)
#206 #856
in reply to Alex Daily!

#207, or #857, 1996's "Independence Day," which I understand is set mostly on the 4th but starts on the 2nd, so.
#207 #857
in reply to Alex Daily!

#208, or #858, 1940 Best Picture nominee "The Grapes of Wrath."

Another one of those titles you hear all the time, but that I have no idea what they're about. The Great Depression? Probably not fruit.
#208 #858
in reply to Alex Daily!

#209, or #859, the first of these Gundam compilation movies, which, I dunno, I've seen the show, these are like novelisations, I understand historically why they did 'em but you wouldn't necessarily reinvent them today without that history, you know?

1981's "Mobile Suit Gundam I"
#209 #859
in reply to Alex Daily!

Clearing out the old download folder, 2021 alien portal anthology picture, "Doors." #210, or #860.
#210 #860
in reply to Alex Daily!

#211, #861, just got out of the 11am screening of 2022’s “Thor: Love and Thunder.”

Loved it. Thundered it. What more could you want.
#211 #861
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now for a Pride Night screening of 2020's "Kokon." #212, or #862.
#212 #862
in reply to Alex Daily!

#213, or #863, but also Best Picture nominee #100 (or #98, if we're not counting the ones I had to skip) -- 1940's "Rebecca."

Which I'm sure will just be a normal story about a normal woman having a normal, healthy marriage to a normal man in very normal ways.
#98 #100 #213 #863
in reply to Alex Daily!

#214, or #864, let's just do another one of these, 1940 Best Picture nominee "Our Town," which I understand is based on a play sometimes called "the greatest American play ever written," which just means it's bound to be depressing.
#214 #864
in reply to Alex Daily!

I've put on 1981 Gundam compilation film "Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow." #215, #865.

For future compilation films I'll probably listen to the Mobile Suit Breakdown episodes first to see if they consider them worth the effort, but it seems silly to only watch the first of these three.
#215 #865
in reply to Alex Daily!

#216, or #866, I don't remember what this one's meant to be about or why I downloaded it, 1992's "The Player."
#216 #866
in reply to Alex Daily!

#217, or #867, I'm putting on a random American comedy from the mid-2010s, it's 2015's "Vacation."
#217 #867
in reply to Alex Daily!

Let's end this one more time, #218, or #868, 1982 Gundam compilation film "Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space."
#218 #868
in reply to Alex Daily!

I understand this is about somebody inheriting a spooky house and spending the night there, so, naturally, #220, #870, 2021 German film "Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes."
#220 #870
in reply to Alex Daily!

I don't remember what 2014's "The Babadook" is meant to be about but I'm watching 2014's "The Babadook." #221, or #871.
#221 #871
in reply to Alex Daily!

#222, or #872, another day, another two and a half hour long drama about the French, I think?

I don't think these ever work for me.

1940's "All This, and Heaven Too."
#222 #872
in reply to Alex Daily!

#223, #873, another 1940 Best Picture nominee, Hitchcock's "Foreign Correspondent."

I've been describing these as "pre-WW2" but I think this one is firmly just "WW2."
#223 #873
in reply to Alex Daily!

#224, or #874, 1924 Buster Keaton picture "Sherlock Jr."

Do I know anything about this one, not really, can I guess, yeah probably.
#224 #874
in reply to Alex Daily!

I've started a "Detective Conan" reread and figured I ought-a check out some of Aoyama's influences, and people seem to like this movie based on an Edogawa Ranpo detective novel, so, you know, as good a place to start as any.

#225, or #875, 1968's "Black Lizard," (黒蜥蝪, "Kurotokage")
#225 #875
in reply to Alex Daily!

I watched 2015's "Vacation" recently and it's still summer vacation, so let's watch another one of those, #226, or #876, 1983's "National Lampoon's Vacation."
#226 #876
in reply to Alex Daily!

i'm watching the robot movie

#227, or #877, 2008's "Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone."
#227 #877
in reply to Alex Daily!

i'm watching the second robot movie

#228, or #878, 2009's "Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance."
#228 #878
in reply to Alex Daily!

I'm not watching a robot movie, I'm watching 2019's "Us" just to make sure I've seen it before the UFO one comes out. #229, or #879.
#229 #879
in reply to Alex Daily!

i am once again watching the robot movie

#230, or #880, 2012's "Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo"
#230 #880
in reply to Alex Daily!

let's do this one last time

i'm watching the robot movie

#232, or #882, 2021's "Evangelion 3.01 + 1.0: Thrice Upon a Time."
#232 #882
in reply to Alex Daily!

I feel like I'm in kind of a movie rut and I should change it up soon. Maybe start a new The List. Not today, tho.

#233, or #883, 2007's "The Mist," which I assume is about the weather.
#233 #883
in reply to Alex Daily!

#234, or #884, what if a once-in-a-lifetime supernatural attack on your family happened... a second time, it's 1986's "Poltergeist II: The Other Side."
#234 #884
in reply to Alex Daily!

A third dimension? In /my/ sea?

#235, or #885, 1983's "Jaws 3" or "JAWS 3-D."
#235 #885
in reply to Alex Daily!

Look, if the second one was actually not that bad, this one definitely doesn't need to exist, #236, or #886, 1986's "Psycho III."
#236 #886
in reply to Alex Daily!

#237, or #887, the 1980s sequel none of you voted for in two consecutive polls, 1985's "National Lampoon's European Vacation."
#237 #887
in reply to Alex Daily!

Not entirely sure if I've seen the other two, but definitely seen this one, #238, or #888, 2001's "Ocean's Eleven."
#238 #888
in reply to Alex Daily!

#239, or #889, one day I'll understand George Lucas, one day, it's 1973's "American Graffiti."
#239 #889
in reply to Alex Daily!

#241, or #891, 1986's "Short Circuit," which I'm pretty sure, is about a robot?
#241 #891
in reply to Alex Daily!

You know, if I'm annoyed this isn't getting a cinematic release, I can at least just close the curtains and watch it on the TV, #242, or #892, 2022's "Prey."
#242 #892
in reply to Alex Daily!

There are so many other movies I could watch.

#243, or #893, 1988's "Short Circuit 2."
#243 #893
in reply to Alex Daily!

Wasn't super into the first two but one, a later one of these is also a "Friday the 13th" so I guess I gotta,

#244, or #894, 1987's "The Nightmare of Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors."
#244 #894
in reply to Alex Daily!

I've kinda come around on zombie movies, #245, or #895, 1968's "Night of the Living Dead."
#245 #895
in reply to Alex Daily!

#247, or #897, I watched 2013's "The Garden of Words" because I didn't wanna go to bed with "Speak No Evil" still stuck in my head.
#247 #897
in reply to Alex Daily!

#248, or #898, the movie the actual plot of "Airplane!" was based on, 1957's "Zero Hour!"
#248 #898
in reply to Alex Daily!

Maybe I'll just movie my way through this heat wave.

#249, or #899, from the "I forget why I downloaded this or what it's about" pile, 2017's "Lemon."
#249 #899
in reply to Alex Daily!

#250, or #900, 1928 Buster Keaton picture "Steamboat Bill, Jr."
#250 #900
in reply to Alex Daily!

#251, or #901, 2002's "One Hour Photo."

I know this is the one the scene of Robin Williams with the Evangelion figure is from, but I don't think I know the actual premise.
#251 #901
in reply to Alex Daily!

#252, or #902, let's try to class up my Netflix recommendations, 1930's "Le Sang d'un poète" or "The Blood of a Poet."
#252 #902
in reply to Alex Daily!

#253, or #903, I understand this one is about Tom Hardy taking telephone calls inside his automotive vehicle, 2013's "Locke."
#253 #903
in reply to Alex Daily!

One more, #254, or #904, people sure seem to have Strong Opinions about this one, 2022's "Not Okay."
#254 #904
in reply to Alex Daily!

#255, or #905, another phone calls movie, 2022's "The Black Phone."
#255 #905
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see, finally, 2022's "Nope." #256, or #906.
#256 #906
in reply to Alex Daily!

#257, #907, I definitely watched a trailer of this and went "Yeah, I'll watch that," but I don't remember anything about it except that it's 2022 vampire-hunter comedy "Day Shift."
#257 #907
in reply to Alex Daily!

> what do I watch today
>> or, how do I determine what to watch today
> i know, i'll watch
>> the top film on letterboxd
>>> this week
>>>> that I haven't seen
>>>>> (and isn't a sequel or on the Best Picture list)
> it's 2022's "Purple Hearts."
> oh well, fuck me, I guess

> #258, or #908
#258 #908
in reply to Alex Daily!

Seeing the new one tomorrow, might as well watch the last one, #259, or #909, 2018's "Dragon Ball Super: Broly"
#259 #909
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see #260, or #910, 2022's "Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero."
#260 #910
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's been a bit since I've watched one of these, #261, or #911 -- oh I should-a watched a 9/11 movie, I guess -- 1940 Best Picture nominee, "The Long Voyage Home."
#261 #911
in reply to Alex Daily!

*picks a random movie from what's popular on letterboxd this week*

#262, or #912, 2014's "Whiplash," which I think: Is about drums.
#262 #912
in reply to Alex Daily!

You know, I think when you ask dice or coins or other random numbers to make decisions for you, you gotta listen to 'em even if you don't like the decision, or what's the point.


#263, or #913, 1994's "Pulp Fiction."
#263 #913
in reply to Alex Daily!

I should watch something better than yesterday, #264, or #914, 1994's (unreleased) "The Fantastic Four."
#264 #914
in reply to Alex Daily!

I guess this is all I'm doing today, #265, or #915, 1997's "Titanic."
#265 #915
in reply to Alex Daily!

Should watch this before the new season starts, #266, or #916, 2022's "The Bob's Burgers Movie."
#266 #916
in reply to Alex Daily!

#267, or #917, 2022's "The Immaculate Room," which I assume is about a room that's not maculate.
#267 #917
in reply to Alex Daily!

Movie! #268, or #918, 2011's "Source Code" in which I think Jake Gyllenhaal hacks the computers.
#268 #918
in reply to Alex Daily!

Me watching the next thing on my horror list is entirely dependent on one (1) person in Atlanta, Georgia actually turning the device they seed from on every now and then, so instead, 1920 silent German picture "Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam," or "The Golem: How He Came Into The World," or, simply, "The Golem."

#269, or #919.
#269 #919
in reply to Alex Daily!

The Download from Atlanta is still in progress, so instead, 2009's "Orphan." #270, or #920.
#270 #920
in reply to Alex Daily!

The Download from Atlanta has stalled, so instead, 2007 CCTV compilation, "Paranormal Activity." #271, or #921.
#271 #921
in reply to Alex Daily!

The Download from Atlanta has never been this close and never been this slow, so instead, 1984's "Night of the Comet." #272, or #922.
#272 #922
in reply to Alex Daily!

#273, or #923, my team of expert advisors (friend Adder from twitter) have told me not to watch this one at night, and it's the middle of the afternoon, so let's go, 2008's "Lake Mungo."
#273 #923
in reply to Alex Daily!

The Download from Atlanta is dead. Long live the Download from Atlanta. The Download from Atlanta has finished. Long live the Download from Atlanta.

#274, or #924, the theatrical cut of 1978's "Dawn of the Dead."
#274 #924
in reply to Alex Daily!

#275, or #925, 2019's "Ma."

One imagines this one's about: A ma of some kind.
#275 #925
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now for a 40th anniversary screening of 1982's "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial." #277, or #927.
#277 #927
in reply to Alex Daily!

#278, or #928, I didn't even know this one existed, it's a TV movie spinoff to the "Psycho" movies, no direct relation to the later TV show, 1987's "Bates Motel."
#278 #928
in reply to Alex Daily!

#279, or #929, it's the end (of this particular series) but the moment... will be revenged? Look, in the water, it's 1987's "Jaws: The Revenge"!
#279 #929
in reply to Alex Daily!

I forgot about movies, so I'm watching the shortest thing I could quickly find that still meets the Academy's definition of a feature film, 1917 silent Swedish picture "Terje Vigen," or, "A Man There Was." #280, or #930.
#280 #930
in reply to Alex Daily!

#281, or #931, leaving now to go see 2022's "Fall," which I've now called "Free Solo 2: Free Duo" to three different people, none of who got it.
#281 #931
in reply to Alex Daily!

#282, or #932, the great-grandpappy of the top ten clickbait video, 1999's "10 Things I Hate About You." You'll never believe number nine.
#282 #932
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see a movie that the trailer made look genuinely buckwild before I realised it was a prequel, #283, or #933, 2022's "Orphan: First Kill."
#283 #933
in reply to Alex Daily!

I sat down and watched #284, or #934, 1928 silent French picture "La petite marchande d'allumettes," or "The Little Match Girl."
#284 #934
in reply to Alex Daily!

#285, or #935, I threw my back out again, saw my GP about it this morning, that's all I'm doing today, so while I wait for my prescription painkiller to kick in, let's watch 2022's "DC League of Super Pets," a movie for babies.
#285 #935
in reply to Alex Daily!

#286, or #936, this looks like it's "what if Orphan was about a middle-aged man," it's 1987's "The Stepfather."
#286 #936
in reply to Alex Daily!

#287, or #937, probably fine to watch this even though I'm kinda sleepy, 2022's "Pinocchio."

> that doesn't narrow it down

the Disney one
#287 #937
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see 2022's "Bodies Bodies Bodies." #288, or #938.
#288 #938
in reply to Alex Daily!

#289, or #939, 2004's "Ocean's Twelve."

I think in this one they pretend to be in Amsterdam while actually being in Haarlem or Den Haag for half the Amsterdam scenes.
#289 #939
in reply to Alex Daily!

You're Robert Downey Jr. You've just had maybe the most successful comeback Hollywood has ever seen. You can do pretty much whatever movie you want.

#290, or #940. 2014's "The Judge."
#290 #940
in reply to Alex Daily!

*throws a dart at the pile*

If ghosts are so good why didn't they make a-- Oh, they did, it's #291, or #941, 2010's "Paranormal Activity 2."
#291 #941
in reply to Alex Daily!

#292, or #942, leaving now to go see 2022 Korean detective picture "헤어질 결심," or, "Decision to Leave."
#292 #942
in reply to Alex Daily!

#293, or #943, step one to watching all the James Camerons is watching not a James Cameron, 1978's "Piranha."

Which I assume is not about sharks.
#293 #943
in reply to Alex Daily!

#294, or #944, yeah, sure, I'll watch Veronica from Riverdale and Robin from Stranger Things do revenge, it's, 2022's "Do Revenge."
#294 #944
in reply to Alex Daily!

If you're outside my house right now, you can see how *I* run-- walk-- well, saunter, I've got time, because I'm leaving now to go see, 2022's "See How They Run."

#295, or #945.
#295 #945
in reply to Alex Daily!

Extremely charmed by this. Just a light murder romp that thinks it's slightly cleverer than it actually is, lots of laughs, a fun cast in interesting spaces, just a Great Time At The Movies.
in reply to Alex Daily!

#296, or #946, this has been sitting on my hard drive for like three years even though it's in the public domain and I could-a just re-grabbed it from Wikipedia or whatever at any time, it's 1945's "Detour."
#296 #946
in reply to Alex Daily!

#297, or #947, having read maybe only 20 volumes years ago but I'm sure I'll figure it out, leaving now to go see 2022's "One Piece Film: Red."
#297 #947
in reply to Alex Daily!

#298, or #945, say, these titles are just doing the Twilight thing, it's 1985's "Day of the Dead."
#945 #298
in reply to Alex Daily!

#299, or #949, leaving now to go see 2022's "Don't Worry Darling," which I was gonna go see pre-drama, anyway, but which I'm now also seeing because drama, yes.
#299 #949
in reply to Alex Daily!

#300! (or #950.) I'm not watching "300," I'm watching one about people who are much, much more savage -- American teenagers in the 90s. It's 1995's "Clueless."
#300 #950
in reply to Alex Daily!

#301, or #951, time for something topical, it's 1940 Best Picture nominee "The Great Dictator."
#301 #951
in reply to Alex Daily!

#302, or #952, if activity 2 was so paranormal why didn't they make third-- What? They did?

2011's "Paranormal Activity 3."
#302 #952
in reply to Alex Daily!

#303, or #953, if normal activity 3 was so para, why didn't they make a fourth-- Oh, they did.

2012's "Paranormal Activity 4."
#303 #953
in reply to Alex Daily!

#304, or #954, if paractivity was so normal 4, why didn't it get any marks-- What?

2014's "Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones."
#304 #954
in reply to Alex Daily!

#305, or #955, if actpara normativity was so marked, where'd they get the markers-- Oh, I see.

2015's "Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension."
#305 #955
in reply to Alex Daily!

#306, or #956, leaving now to go see 2009's "Avatar."

In 3D HFR and everything! (Because it's not showing in 2D at all.)
#306 #956
in reply to Alex Daily!

#307, or #957, if paraghosts were so normalactivitydimensional, why isn't there a next-- What?

2021's "Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin."
#307 #957
in reply to Alex Daily!

Oh, right, this is off Netflix tomorrow, might as well not pirate it, #308, or #958, 2007's "Ocean's Thirteen."
#308 #958
in reply to Alex Daily!

Right, the 1940s aren't getting any closer, let's watch another Best Picture nominee, 1940's "The Letter," in which Bette Davis... shoots a fellow, I think? #309, or #959.
#309 #959
in reply to Alex Daily!

#310, or #960, how have I never seen any of these, it's 1998's "Blade."
#310 #960
in reply to Alex Daily!

#311, or #961, leaving in a bit to go see, uh, well, Sneak Preview is back, so, uh, I'll let you know.

(Sneak Preview: The chain cinema I go to does sneak preview screenings of movies as-yet unreleased, at least at this chain, in this country, and though it tends to fall inside certain parameters -- i.e. no sequels, no kids' movies, etc -- you don't know ahead of time what the movie is.)
#311 #961
in reply to Alex Daily!

#313, or #963, 2004 strictly factual Werner Herzog documentary "Incident at Loch Ness."
#313 #963
in reply to Alex Daily!

#314, or #964, walking one (1) metre to my TV to watch, 2022's "Werewolf By Night."
#314 #964
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's spoopy season, I gotta watch something spoopy, uhhhh.

#315, or #965, 2022's "Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!"
#315 #965
in reply to Alex Daily!

Remember during the "Paranormal Activity"s when I thought out loud about livestream horror, this was one where I saw the title and went "yeah, sure," -- #316, or #966, 2022's "Deadstream."
#316 #966
in reply to Alex Daily!

I don't remember why I downloaded this one, 2022's "Significant Other." #317, or #967.
#317 #967
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's James Cameron's first foray into the water -- #318, or #968, 1981's "Piranha II: The Spawning."
#318 #968
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's a rainy Thursday, October 13th, what better time to put an end to, uhh, Monday, October 31st — leaving now to go see #319, or #969, 2022's "Halloween Ends."
#319 #969
in reply to Alex Daily!

#320, or #970, 1940 Best Picture nominee "The Philadelphia Story."

What's it about? Philadelphia, you'd hope.
#320 #970
in reply to Alex Daily!

Randomly putting something on on Netflix, it's 2022's "Mr. Harrigan's Phone." #322, or #972.
#322 #972
in reply to Alex Daily!

*clicks around on netflix*

#323, or #973, 2019's "The Dead Don't Die."
#323 #973
in reply to Alex Daily!

Skipping ahead on the John Carpenters a little, 1981's "Escape from New York." #324, or #974.
#324 #974
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to go see 2022's "Black Adam," just to make sure it's real. #326, or #976.
#326 #976
in reply to Alex Daily!

Right, I've got a large coffee and nothing else to do, let's make myself watch this, #327, or #977, 2022 conversion therapy slasher "They/Them." 😬
#327 #977
in reply to Alex Daily!

I need to watch a bunch of stage plays for school, and though I won't count the ones I actually physically visit a theatre for, I see no reason not to count this, the Royal National Theatre's recording of their 2011 production "Frankenstein."

#328, or #978.
#328 #978
in reply to Alex Daily!

#329, or #979, I downloaded this when it came out because everyone was talking about it but now all I remember is Aubrey Plaza has a strong accent in this, so let's find out what that's about, it's 2022's "Emily the Criminal."
#329 #979
in reply to Alex Daily!

I was just looking at this and now I see they've watched it on The Flop House, it's 2019 app-that-tells-you-when-you-die movie "Countdown." #330, or #980.
#330 #980
in reply to Alex Daily!

Let's just be honest with myself, I'm not gonna be productive today, so let's distract myself with something stupid, it's 2020's "Ghosts of War." #331, or #981.
#331 #981
in reply to Alex Daily!

#332, or #982, what if a doll had a serious go at doing a stab of you, would that be fucked up or what, it's 1988's "Child's Play."
#332 #982
in reply to Alex Daily!

After "Ghosts of War" multiple people brought up other war-themed horror movies, so might as well watch, *flips a coin,* #334, or #984, 2018's "Overlord."
#334 #984
in reply to Alex Daily!

I know what I'm watching tomorrow through Monday but not today, so I've randomly picked a horror picture on Netflix I haven't seen on the strength of the title alone, it's 2021's "There's Someone Inside Your House." #335, or #985.
#335 #985
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving now to vaguely head in the general direction of the movie theatre to go see #336, or #986, 2022's "Barbarian," with the Brother, who is Not A Horror Person.
#336 #986
in reply to Alex Daily!

Now, in previous years I've announced my intention to only watch these on October 31st, but this Monday is essentially fully booked, so I've spoken to the secret international conglomerate of consultants I run all my posts by and they've given me the go-ahead to watch today,

#337, or #987, 1988's "Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers."
#337 #987
in reply to Alex Daily!

Better to double up today than tomorrow, I reckon.

*throws back an espresso like it will do anything but make me sleepy*

#338, or #988, 1989's "Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers."
#338 #988
in reply to Alex Daily!

I've had another chat with the secret international conglomerate of consultants I run all my posts by, and they've advised me to watch the Producer's Cut instead of the theatrical cut of, #339, or #989, 1995's "Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers."
#339 #989
in reply to Alex Daily!

#340, or #990, good spooky season's tidings to all — leaving now to go see a Halloween screening of 1982's "The Thing."
#340 #990
in reply to Alex Daily!

#341, or #991, leaving now for a Pride Night screening of 2022's "Girls, Girls, Girls," also known as "Girl Picture," or its original Finnish title "Tytöt tytöt tytöt." No idea what it's about.

Well, girls, presumably.
#341 #991
in reply to Alex Daily!

#342, or #992, it's up next on a podcast I listen to so I guess I'm watching 2012 Roland Emmerich picture "White House Down," which I'm sure won't feel topical at all.
#342 #992
in reply to Alex Daily!

Doing fuck all today, let's watch another Best Picture nominee, #343, or #993, it's Ginger Rogers in 1940's "Kitty Foyle."
#343 #993
in reply to Alex Daily!

#344, or #994, John Carpenter rides again, it's 1976's "Assault on Precinct 13."
#344 #994
in reply to Alex Daily!

#345, or #995, I actually don't know anything about this guy and I'm sure watching a biopic will fix that, 2022's "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story."
#345 #995
in reply to Alex Daily!

#346, or #996, I think I can get to four digits today, and what better way to start my Sunday morning than with 2016's "Blair Witch."
#346 #996
in reply to Alex Daily!

#347, or #997, we movie ever onwards, I dunno what you even do in a third one of these, though I see there's a skyscraper on the poster, it's 1988's "Poltergeist 3."
#347 #997
in reply to Alex Daily!

#348, or #998, the thing I was gonna watch next hasn't finished download, so let's watch instead, no idea what it's about, 1986's "Stand By Me."
#348 #998
in reply to Alex Daily!

#349, or #999, what can you even say to introduce what is undoubtedly a stone-cold classic, 1990's "Psycho IV: The Beginning."
#349 #999
in reply to Alex Daily!

Alright, alright, another classmate followed me on Letterboxd, what can I watch that'll at least look vaguely impressive, uhhh.

#351, or #1001, 2020 French-Canadian Celine Dion biopic that's not legally allowed to say it's about Celine Dion, but is definitely still about *a* Canadian singer who sung the song from "Titanic," , "Aline."

Nailed it.
#351 #1001
in reply to Alex Daily!

#352, or #1002, already seated for 2022’s “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.”
#352 #1002
in reply to Alex Daily!

#353, or #1003, I've randomly put on 2016's "Don't Breathe," which I understand from having seen trailers for the second one is about a blind man who fights people.
#353 #1003
in reply to Alex Daily!

#354, or #1004, someone's watching me? No, I'm watching 1978's "Someone's Watching Me."
#354 #1004
in reply to Alex Daily!

#355, or #1005, just enough time before Desert Bus to watch another John Carpenter, 1980's "The Fog," which I understand is NOT 2007's "The Mist."
#355 #1005
in reply to Alex Daily!

#356, or #1006, unless Desert Bus runs into Monday evening — unprecedented, unlikely — this is probably my one exception to no movies during Desert Bus this year, leaving now to go see—

Well, I don't know yet, it's Sneak Preview! See you later!
#356 #1006
in reply to Alex Daily!

Leaving in a bit to go see 2022's "Three Thousand Years of Longing." #357, or #1007.
#357 #1007
in reply to Alex Daily!

#MovieThread lives! #358, or #1008, it's 2016's "Hail, Caesar!"

Which I've seen, but don't remember at all.
in reply to Alex Daily!

#359, or #1009. Forgot to say, but just got back from seeing 2022's "The Menu."
#359 #1009
in reply to Alex Daily!

#360, or #1010, I guess I'm watching John Carpenter's next film, 1979 3-hour long TV biopic "Elvis."
#360 #1010
in reply to Alex Daily!

#361, or #1011, I watched another documentary my timelines wouldn't shut up about, Defunctland's "Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery." 🔗

:youtube: 📺
#361 #1011
in reply to Alex Daily!

I've randomly selected from my to-watch pile, 2013's "Manakamana," which I understand is a documentary made up entirely of fixed perspective shots from inside a little Nepalese cable car. #362, #1012.
#362 #1012
in reply to Alex Daily!

I watched the other one like this so I might as well sit down for -- the corporate strategy is clearly on the way out again and the star's status has cratered, that's right, it's -- 2022's "The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special." #363, or #1013.

See you in a just-crossed Academy definition length of 44 minutes.
#363 #1013
in reply to Alex Daily!

#364, or #1014, I don't know anything about this one, except I've had replies both eagerly telling me to watch it and telling me to absolutely not watch it, 1990's "Jacob's Ladder."
#364 #1014
in reply to Alex Daily!

Yesterday's poll tied every way it could, so today, as mandated by the ancient laws, 2002's "The Mothman Prophecies."

#365, or #1015.
#365 #1015
in reply to Alex Daily!

#366, or #1016, yeah, I'll watch a new Florence Pugh flick sight unseen, love Florence Pugh, 2022 Netflix picture "The Wonder."
#366 #1016
in reply to Alex Daily!

#367, or #1017, leaving now to go see what I understand is a cannibal road trip coming of age romance starring Timothée Chalamet, 2022's "Bones and All."
#367 #1017
in reply to Alex Daily!

#368, or #1018, leaving now for Sneak Preview. Anonymous sources confirm: It will be a movie.
#368 #1018
in reply to Alex Daily!

Tomorrow I'm seeing the play "Exit Macbeth," on an actual stage, so I could probably use a refresh on the original story, #369, or #1019, 1948 Orson Welles film "Macbeth."
#369 #1019
in reply to Alex Daily!

#370, or #1020, I only ever saw the "Mockingbird Lane" pilot, so let's see what this is about, 2022's "The Munsters."
#370 #1020
in reply to Alex Daily!

#371, or #1021, forgot to say, but just got back from, 2022's "The Estate."

Not good! The person on Letterboxd who said serious abortion drama "Call Jane" was funnier than this inheritance comedy was right!
#371 #1021
in reply to Alex Daily!

#372, or #1022, on a whim, leaving now to go see 2022 Disney picture "Strange World."
#372 #1022
in reply to Alex Daily!

#373, or #1023, insert short acknowledgement of prior history with zombie movies here, it's 2009's "Zombieland."
#373 #1023
in reply to Alex Daily!

#374, or #1024, I've just had dinner, what better time than, uh, about an hour ago, I guess, to watch, 1981's "My Dinner with Andre."
#374 #1024
in reply to Alex Daily!

#375, or #1025, I've remembered I have a list, it's 1981's "The Evil Dead."
#375 #1025
in reply to Alex Daily!

#376, or #1026, it's my third of the four new Pinocchios that have come out in the past few years, leaving now to go see 2022's "Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio," which I guess has to be called that because Disney had dibs or something.
#376 #1026
in reply to Alex Daily!

#377, or #1027, you had me at "Michael Shannon gets mistaken for Bigfoot," it's 2017's "Pottersville."
#377 #1027
in reply to Alex Daily!

#378, or #1028, the year is 1934 -- and an actor is about to be strangled to death during a live BBC radio broadcast !

(I'm watching 1934's "Death at Broadcasting House.")
#378 #1028
in reply to Alex Daily!

#379, or #1029, this one somehow looks less subtle than "The Babadook," but I've seen people talking it up, 2022's "Smile."
#379 #1029
in reply to Alex Daily!

#380, or #1030, next up on John Carpenter's filmography, 1984's "Starman." No idea what it's about.
#380 #1030
in reply to Alex Daily!

It's been in the works for 13 years with a budget approximating a quarter billion dollars, it's the sequel to a movie with no cultural presence whatsoever, leaving now to go see, *squints at notes* 2022's "Avatar: The Way of Water"? #381, or #1031.

See you in five thousand hours.
#381 #1031
in reply to Alex Daily!

#382, or #1032, this looks racist, but it's on Disney+, so I'm sure it's not, like, /that/ bad, but I gotta watch it either way because it's John Carpenter's next one, 1985's "Big Trouble in Little China."
#382 #1032
in reply to Alex Daily!

I've decided to count these or I'll never watch them, #383, or #1033, 2022's first "tale of terror" from "Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities," "Lot 36."
#383 #1033
in reply to Alex Daily!

#384, or #1034, 2022's second "tale of terror" from "Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities," "The Graveyard Rats."
#384 #1034
in reply to Alex Daily!

I truly, earnestly, deeply loathed the first one, #385, or #1035, 1987's "Evil Dead 2."
#385 #1035
in reply to Alex Daily!

> alex why do this yourself

all evidence points to insanity
in reply to Alex Daily!

Wait, he's back at either the same or a very similar cabin? With his girlfriend? I'd swear off cabins in the woods for life after the first twenty minutes of the first one.
in reply to Alex Daily!

Okay, so it's a Kinda Sorta Remake, and he's not just /that/ stupid that he'd go to a clearly cursed cabin, listen to a clearly cursed book, and flip through a clearly cursed book a second time.

But it's much funnier for me, personally, if he's just that stupid.
in reply to Alex Daily!

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

in reply to Alex Daily!

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

in reply to Alex Daily!

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

in reply to Alex Daily!

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

in reply to Alex Daily!

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

in reply to Alex Daily!

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

in reply to Alex Daily!

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

in reply to 💜 AdoraBeryl 🩷

Content warning: 💀 "Evil Dead 2" (1987)

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