Items tagged with: 6
Service Unavailable
unable to create directory /var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/90/4f/52
Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/Core/Renderer.php:90
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(199): Friendica\Core\Renderer::replaceMacros()
#1 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(141): frio_form()
#2 /var/www/html/src/Module/Admin/Themes/Embed.php(89): theme_admin()
#3 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\Admin\Themes\Embed->content()
#4 /var/www/html/src/App.php(703): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#5 /var/www/html/index.php(52): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#6 {main}
Risk #1: LLMs can produce factually incorrect text.
Risk #2: LLMs can produce untrustworthy explanations.
Risk #3: LLMs can persuade and influence, and they can provide unhealthy advice.
Risk #4: LLMs can simulate feelings, personality, and relationships.
Risk #5: LLMs can change their outputs dramatically based on tiny changes in a conversation.
Risk #6: LLMs store your conversations and can use them as training data.
Risk #7: LLMs cannot attribute sources for the text they produce.
Have I like… boxed myself in to needing something interesting to say about each of these tracks? Because this is just a good, thoughtfully-composed basic four-on-the-floor techno track with a table of 2010s-2020s desktop synths and a really nice 90s feeling. Good background/focus music. I like the obviously-synthesized-strings voice.
Live Techno Jam #6 - Roland TR6S - Quadrantid Swarm - Minitaur - BlueBox - Blofeld - NTS1
A new jam based on a patch I created on the Quadrantid swarm. I am triggering the QS pattern reset via the drum trigger on the Keystep pro track 1. I am also...YouTube
12,688 viewsDec 10, 2018
Private Snafu #6: Fighting Tools (1943)
Private Snafu feels confident in the weaponry of the U.S. Army after reading a newspaper that praises them (not mentioning the U.S. Censorship Office at this...YouTube