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Idk who needs to read this but it’s okay for people to like different things and make different choices than you. It’s okay to have valid constructive criticism as well. Fandoms can be insane, I’ve seen it with PlayStation v Xbox, Android v iOS and so forth. People can like what they like and if that’s a different choice than you that’s okay.
I say this as people on #Fediverse get highly upset at any level of criticism of #Mastodon and other platforms. People getting upset at other protocols. #ActivityPub is amazing but it’s not perfect, nothing is and that’s okay. We live in a world where we have these big beautiful brains where we invent and come up with things. I like to celebrate that.
People making different choices than you would is good. People have many layered reasons as to why they do and don’t do things.
in reply to damon

personally I mostly care about interoperability anyways. Questions like "can I talk to my friend who's on Blarg from my account on Chortle or do I have to make yet another account for another social network to even see their posts let alone interact with them?"

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