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We hired a policeman & it's going really great. Meet our #Maker in Residence @TobyRobertsPi.

"I was a #Surveillance Officer for 15 years, so I built stuff to hide covert video & audio gear. I’d disguise it as something else.

During all those years of working with Raspberry Pi, I never thought I’d end up working here; as I’ve always been a #RaspberryPi fan, I’m fascinated to see what takes place behind the scenes."
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Poorly-run Small Music Venue

SOMEONE needs to keep an eye on us. The stuff we get up to in Pi Towers, I swear…
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@vegetablegremlin no your supposed to interact with your users and customers to promote and create value. This isn't a fucking Wendy's account roasting other fast food. It's a PR nightmare but keep doubling down on acting like a Troll.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I think they meant that the Pi foundation is dumping money into things that would be better spent on building more boards.

@vegetablegremlin That is what you meant, right?

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@pikesley what the heck? This is unprofessional and as someone pointed out already, your cop in residence might be a super nice person, but you still put 'he did covered up surveillance for a living' in your post, saying that this is a completely normal thing to do, while your community clearly think it is NOT!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Folks I'm not exactly a police supporter but this is a terrible way to intro Tony. You've basically written this guy specialises in surveillance and now he works with our computers, yay!
in reply to Sebastian Elisa

@deadda7a Yes Sebastian. And if you can't chill, you can unfollow. That's how social media works. Just chill.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Well first that is not my name, second I'm not even following you (for a reason), and third, you can fuck off with that attitude 😀
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@deadda7a social media attitude has real world business consequences.

Are you trying to emulate Elon or what?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

genuinely, are y’all doing ok? You seem to have taken the whole “sassy social media managers are popular with the kids” thing a bit literally and it’s not a good look. Please step away for a bit before you cause lasting damage
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:


I would boycott you guys over these ridiculous responses if it was possible to get a hold of your boards in the first place.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@deadda7a all cops are bastards and this post is in extremely bad taste for a company that does what rPi does

But the cherry on top is watching the person in charge of a company’s PR lose their shit and start instructing people to stop following the company on social media.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I'm boosting this to give you the "nothing such as bad PR" you ordered, and I hope you lose your job
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@deadda7a There are a few ACAB instances on Mastodon. I expect they will just defederate themselves into oblivion.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@deadda7a Social media is also a place to learn things! You can unfollow and you can start using different embedded systems (I helped bring the TS-7200 to a whole new market long before RPi existed), but it's also possible to learn things! Apparently unless you're RaspberryPi!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Responding in such a dismissive way to a valid criticism is a bad look. You have a post heavily implying your computers are used by police for surveillance and that’s going to set marginalised folks on edge. Your reply is unprofessional.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@james yeah, James. He builds lightsabers and mass surveillance devices and spies on people. But, lol, lightsabers make for a fun picture!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

40% of cops self report that they engage in domestic violence, many using surveillance tech to stalk their victims. You’re connecting your brand to that.

People are giving you valuable feedback.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

hi. I've looked up the dimensions of the pi pico w, and am wondering if it would be possible to hide it in a lightsaber as part of a surveillance device? Asking for a friend*!

*that I want to surveil**.

**this is a joke. Chill. :blobcatpeek:
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@james he "builds stuff to hide covert video & audio gear" so my first question was what is he hiding in that lightsaber?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@james and remember, nobody bad has ever used a lightsaber!

I’m sure he’s a swell guy, and this is his redemption arc, but you definitely dropped the ball on how it was announced and the handling of genuine concerns and sincere worries - including your admission and apparent condoning to the use of your hardware in spying and surveillance by the state on its citizens.
If you don’t see the problem there, you shouldn’t work in computing.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@james This is going to be the post described as "doubling down" when the post-mortem on "RasPi's Very Bad PR Day" happens.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@james no you don't understand. we can't trust your judgement after this hire, introduction, and especially your reaction
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

This is a really disappointing and immature way to respond to legitimate concerns, and isn't doing anything to reassure the community that your company isn't taking a shitty stance on surveillance and privacy. #RaspberryPi
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I think people are more concerned with "I was a #Surveillance Officer for 15 years, so I built stuff to hide covert video & audio gear. I’d disguise it as something else, like a piece of street furniture or a household item."

But if "he built lightsabers" is your only standard for good character, so did Palpatine.

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I think people are more concerned with "I was a #Surveillance Officer for 15 years, so I built stuff to hide covert video & audio gear. I’d disguise it as something else, like a piece of street furniture or a household item."

But if "he built lightsabers" is your only standard for good character, so did Palpatine.

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi: thanks, he wasn't on my block list yet
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@webhat Can I please get on your block list, too? I just spent 10mins on this train wreck of a thread and it seems I'd be in very good company there.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:


Adults: "Folks I'm not exactly a police supporter but this is a terrible way to intro Tony. You've basically written this guy specialises in surveillance and now he works with our computers, yay!" ~ @james

You: "heeeee builds lightsbabers James. Chill."

Adults: "being dismissive like that further erodes trust. If you don’t understand these concerns, that’s a learning opportunity for you, not a reason to be snarky." ~ @esther

You: "Bye bye now"

I think it's pretty obvious who can claim to behave like an adult here---and who not.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Honestly, calling your customers childish I'm not sure it's the best way to do business, the 'grown up adult way' would of been to use this as a learning opportunity not a reason to be dismissive of people's concerns.
in reply to Javielico

@javielico Your concerns are unfounded. Toby is great. You're bullying someone online. Leave them alone.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico lmao you think *this* is bullying?

i wonder how many police harassment campaigns against political activists Toby participated in, how many lives he's ruined, how much blood he has on his hands. I wonder if his victims felt bullied.

But our concerns are "unfounded."

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico "you're bullying" the guy who says he has been spying on people with your product for a decade with your product? in a job where the norm is bullying and spying activists?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico no bullying from Javielico. That all seems to be coming from the account with a Raspberry avatar…
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico I want to be clear here, you introduced this man as a surveillance specialist and included a statement by him describing how he used to plant disguised surveillance equipment. People say "that doesn't exactly make me trust you more" and you call that bullying?

Get real.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Toby doesn't sound great, he sounds like a pariah.

Between his intro and your reaction to the backlash I'm feeling pretty done with your brand.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico oh no, did the meanies make the poor spycop sad?
He can go cry about it to all his rapist friends whose work he directly enabled.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico Promoting fascism and wallowing in it like this when people rightly call you out on your venal and cynical bullshit is not the flex you think it is. You're no different from a Philip Morris publicist laughing off cancer and urging peoole to smoke up. Congratulations. I will never buy your products again.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico Narrator: In a desperate attempt to save face, the company tried to say "Nuh Uh You Are."

It didnt work.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico The sad thing is, Toby may be great! The quote be from “I used to hide this stuff in innocuous objects, then I realised that’s not what I wanted to do with my life, and there were better uses for the tech… I’m really glad @Raspberry_Pi gave me this opportunity to give back…” or whatever. But what you posted doesn’t say that. Hire an ex-cop, hire an ex-offender, whatever. But don’t leave out the “ex-“ in your headline.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico I think we’re even past the point of bullying Toby. You messed up so badly, that we bully you instead of an ex SURVEILLANCE COP now.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico "bullying" is not when customers express concern about the future of your product line when hiring people whose job was using your products for surveillance
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Ok, wind back. Are you genuinely so socially unaware that you thought all sections of society believe police surveillance to be a good thing? Do you really not understand why numerous, if not all, communities, have reason to be mistrustful of state surveillance? And do you truly believe that those communities are not “adult”? @javielico
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico congrats on convincing so many "grown up adults" to avoid your products in the future. Learn to read a room.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico every grown up adult I know realizes ACAB so if you find this reaction surprising that's a huge red flag
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

You hire a cop, brag about how he used your products to spy on people and expect hackers - your most enthusiastic boosters - to trust you ever again?

If you expected something different, you're shockingly out of touch and have no business running a social media account.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico Wild that you’d publicly admit to being incompetent at the core function of your job.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico “among grown adults”

So just to clarify, in your opinion, and by extension the opinion of the company on the whole, concerns about a surveillance specialist— explicitly practiced in hiding surveillance equipment in otherwise innocuous objects— being heavily involved in the further development of small, easily hidden computers….

Those concerns, to you, are childish and immature?

Wanna be real clear that that’s what you’re saying here.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico this is so incredibly rich coming from a corporate account that has been posting like a 14 yo all afternoon
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico pleeeease go talk to your colleagues about this situation before you say or do anything else, maybe they can explain to you why you’re fucking up & help you fix it.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico the arrogance and arrant stupidly necessary to strut into a community that is *famously* anti surveillance and *famously* anti cop and do…this… is just baffling. Like, there is no upside here. There is no right wing muskrat community to make up for the goodwill and customers lost. It’s all downside. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of your feelings on the subject, aren’t you paid *not* to drive customers away and make people loathe you?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

don’t worry about it. One other instance got blocked for allowing a photo of a steak. The fascist section of the Fediverse will always find a reason. It’s just a matter of time. May as well get it over with and move on.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@javielico How the fuck else did you see this going? "Check out this cool cop that that helped the state spy on you for years, using the technology we provided him" fuck y'all
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

It seems that you're unaware of the number of people REALLY don't trust the police, who have had bad experiences with them, and who are quite horrified by you profiling a person who spied on the populace.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

"I used your product to spy on people in political movements that criticized our conduct and now I get to work on your product! I can definitely be trusted with this authority."

What's next, hiring Richard fucking Spencer as head of PR?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

yeah that's me not buying any more Pi's and removing the ones I have from my network.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

“we hired a guy who used our stuff to spy on people and describes drone surveillance as a hobby”

Weeeeird article.
Raspberry Pi ❤️ The Establishment
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

now i don't think he's gonna be implanting spyware into the bootloader of my Pi anytime soon, however, learn to bloody read the room lads.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

this is a gigantic L my dudes, please reconsider this if you ever want marginalised people to engage with your products
in reply to Manawyrm | Sarah

@manawyrm any other people with previous jobs in other professions you'd like us to not hire?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@manawyrm if the intro was about how much he regretted being a cop and how he is now dedicating his life to helping the public discover and destroy covert surveillance devices, that would've been the only way this wasn't Y I K E S
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@manawyrm Thing is, your first four words are "We hired a policeman...", not 'former' or 'ex-', so the customer response shouldn't be a surprise.

And why make this person's employment, current or former, part of the post? I don't recall ever seeing anyone else who's joined RaspPi getting that treatment, so the only conclusion has to be that you were goading for a response.

So not a professional decision.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Do you need a list?
Here's a few to get you started:

Military industrial contractors
Cryptocurrency shills
Vulture capitalists
Political party operatives
Agents of apartheid states like Israel or Qatar
Resource privatizers like Nestle
Blatantly corrupt non-profit orgs like FIFA
State-agency front NGOs like the School of the Americas

Hope this helps!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@manawyrm Generally speaking, anyone who devoted their life to making their community or their world a worse place. It's not actually that long of a list, really, shouldn't be that hard to suss out.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@manawyrm uhm... Firemen? Pretty sus if you ask me. Always show up where the shit hit the fan
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Whatever you, the person in charge of the social media posts, did previously. It clearly didn't prepare you for any kind of PR.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

um, well this def makes me reconsider buying Pis for future projects... Not knowing if they will be built to spy on me a la something like Intel AMT phoning home without me knowing.
in reply to Ubergeek

@ubergeek I mean... if you're able to read more than the few words in the headline, you'd understand
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@ubergeek Yeah, we read the article. It sucks.
The article literally says that he used your products to spy on people.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Are you saying that @ubergeek cannot read? I am sure they can.
And in your article there's nothing to be read that can address our concerns.
And with your reaction you are insulting people. I do not think that should be something to do as a representative of a company.

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@ubergeek translation:

“Yes, he used our tech to spy on people. But he also makes lightsabers and laser-cuts pumpkins, which is fun! And he was also a drone operator for the police… But focus on the fun! Look: an automated swear jar! Just hope it does snitch on you!”
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@ubergeek I seem to be missing something here? nothing in the article linked would suggest a reassurance that toby isn't on the team for the purpose of adding surveillance to your computers? it doesn't even say what he's doing on the team. it's just a short bio. The concerns here seem pretty valid with the information provided. you even made a point to add a quote specifically saying that he has experience with "covert video and audio gear." and that he is able to "disguise it as... a household item" he even says "The variety of tools and equipment I used then really shaped what I do today.” which would seem to suggest his job *is* in fact hiding surveillance gear in the raspberry pi's he's working on.

I'm not trying to say you hired toby to do this, but hiring someone in this field without even saying what his job is or what he's working on is cause for a pretty big privacy concern, and passing it off with this snark insisting that this kind of information is in the article, when it obviously isn't, is quite unhelpful with putting these concerns at ease.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Personally, I'm much less concerned about the original post than I am about the responses. I think you'll generally find that a lot of people don't trust cops, and one that specialized in surveillance is even more of a concern, but I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for leaving that profession.

That doesn't mean mocking those concerns is a good strategy for dealing with them. You're dealing with a platform where a large portion of the membership is here because they don't want to take snarky abuse from their tech company - read the room!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@ubergeek what's with the rude attitude towards customers and potential customers who have legitimate concerns? This account should be managed more professionally.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@ubergeek this is really a bad look for y'all. I don't mean the hiring, I mean your edgelord responses to anyone calling into question the hiring. Some of the worst social media management I've seen in years.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Woooow! @Raspberry_Pi! So the problem is that your customers are unable to read... Nice play. Just never buying or recomending your hardware. @ubergeek @TobyRobertsPi
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

He worked as a counter-terror cop, so I have to ask: Did he ever surveil protestors? How about innocent muslims?
Unknown parent

Unknown parent

Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:
@Maxlicat good job you know him so well. We are reluctant to have you follow us. Bye bye now.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

sorry, nothing personal, but I don't know if I can trust a person that comes from a known right-wing infested group that loves to harras left and LGBT persons and is known for racial bias.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Content warning: raspberry pi being proud of hiring a surveillance cop

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

What safeguards are in place, to make sure he doesn't abuse his background of li-GMA training in his new position?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Given the UK police's terrible reputation for surveilling innocent campaigners using the most cruel methods, and the subsequent denials and coverups, this should have been a big no-no for you.

But, now, it's a big no-no for me. Bye.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I'm so sorry that this comment section is turning into Twitter 2.0. 🙁
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

a cop that had a career building spying equipment is definitely the kind of person i trust at a tech firm.

so when are you going to be hiring former MSS agents? i mean why not, you're on a fucking roll. i would ask about the CIA but i'm certain you think they're the good guys despite doing the exact same job
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I am really saddened and disappointed in how you treat people's concerns in this thread, it is a bad look. I considered buying a raspberrypi but now that I know how this company responds to people I do not think I will. With this "advertisement" you have managed to achieve the exact opposite effect than you wanted to. Good job I guess.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

given the number of people who’ve been victims of surveillance police (particularly in places with more authoritarian regimes, but far from exclusively) I think this was unfortunately very ill conceived
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

why are you being such assholes about this? read the fucking room. tons of people have legitimate reasons to dislike police and tons more have legitimate reasons to be suspicious of people who've worked in surveillance. police in the US kill people of color with impunity and brazenly spy on and infiltrate any group organizing for political change.

your reactions to people's concerns have completely tanked any goodwill I had towards your projects. seriously. obviously you don't care, but damn, you want to run full tilt into pariahdom?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Seriously. This is not good PR. I am not an anti cop but I really don't like this. A lot of us that are hacking with Raspberry Pis care a lot about privacy. Law enforcements and privacy don't mix good in general. Check out @eff and their work
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

While I'm sure he's a lovely bloke, I'm not sure you thought this toot through. Folks round here are particularly uneasy about cops, what with them having been used so often against minority groups, left-leaning movements, unions, and sex workers (remember the positive reactions to the stripper pole?), so putting up a sign saying 'look at our policeman! He used to do surveillance! Isn't he great!' doesn't read in the same way as it would in more mainstream circles.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Yiiikes. Hard pass on the cop, and hard pass on buying any more Pis for future projects.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

that is seriously creepy. Are you _really_ sure you want to create that kind of feeling around the #RaspberryPi?
Honestly, why should we trust anything you make if that type of person is working for you?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

your communication strategy really feels like you haven't understood your target audience.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

The way this is presented and how you’re replying shows incredibly poor judgement.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Wow, nothing against them but that's an absolutely awful way to introduce him.

There is valid widespread criticism of surveillance and the police, particularly by a large portion of your customers. To ignore and dismiss that is insensitive and thoughtless.

And then to double-down with outright rude responses, completely dismissing concerns, blocking any criticism...

Big time bad vibes from Raspberry Pi now
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Why would you advertise this???

When companies trying to play responsible members of the community but slip and show who they really are, believe them.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

slashing demand by alienating your customer base is definitely one way to solve your supply chain problems...

making light of police surveillance is definitely a misstep, being an asshole in your replies is inexcusable. guess i'll be looking at other vendors next time i'm picking up SBCs
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Boy is this ever tone-deaf.

Looks like I'll be learning about some other single-board computers for my next project (starting this weekend). Hey, and they seem to be cheaper! Thanks for getting the ball rolling!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Folks, your approach to this is quite cringe.

It's probably time to rethink your approach to this thread.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

What kind of incompetent controle the official account of an organisation? Don't you know that you should communicate with your audience and not block them? :smug_hk:

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

this original post is gross, but your juvenile replies to folks are even worse. You've already shown that you don't care about the community that made you successful when you redirected most of your products away from the hobbyist market to the commercial customers, but this is a new low that shows that you profoundly don't what people expect from a charity founded to "promote the study of computer science and related topics"
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I look forward to the apology post you’ll be issuing for this in a few days after you actually get it through your thick skulls why posting this was a bad idea
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

this original post is gross, but your juvenile replies to folks are even worse. You've already shown that you don't care about the community that made you successful when you redirected your products away from the hobbyist market to the commercial customers, but this is a new low that shows that you profoundly don't understand what people expect from a charity founded to "promote the study of computer science and related topics"
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

cancelling my plans to buy your products, you sound like that Musk guy
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I think Tony's first job is going to be showing us how we can detect his former employers tech with a Pico if you're going to save this introduction 🙁

Or employ me and I'll make it. ;)
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

At post time: "We hired a policeman & it's going really great!" 😀🥰

A few hours later: "We hired a policeman & it's going really great." 🙃😬🫠
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Here on the Fediverse is quite a number of people who don't trust police. I am sure that you have experienced that by now though it worries me that you did not seem to know that when posting this here, for that could mean you're on a platform of which you do not know or understand the culture and such.
Ignorance is very dangerous for human society.
Now, I myself would have only one raised eyebrow upon seeing your post, but upon seeing how you deal with the reactions, which could have been somewhat predictable, I am quite shocked.
You only say that 'people can just unfullow', but with this you dismiss their concerns. That builds antitrust.

Given this behaviour of yours, I cannot completely trust you anymore.
I really hope that this was a mistake and that you will learn and do something to show us that you can still be trusted.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I suspect that Tony might indeed be a perfectly fine gentleman; but in contrast to modern events with western governments drifting towards police states ( like the US ).. you can't possibly just pretend like that's not going to inform people's opinions. You had police in the US hiding their own crimes, siding with white nationalist, spying on 'left' groups, disproportionately killing/imprisoning ethnic minorities. Feel good stories don't change reality.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Content warning: verbally flipping off brands being cop bootlickers

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi: HAHAHA SO FUNE

i'm never buying your products. fuck the police.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I'm not very comfortable with that move. We love privacy, not surveillance. It's hard to get a Raspberry nowadays, but we have another motivation to find some alternatives.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

ACAB, this sucks.

you hired a cop that used your hardware to spy on people, and you think that's something worth bragging about!?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

ODroid H3, like a Pi but has a real CPU, uses less power, is expandable , and will last more than 6 months without burning out.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

i would switch to the banana pi or similar but i'm currently using rpi for libreboot, sad that even you went evil. well, the rpi had nonfree firmware anyway so...
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

really hope Toby here wasn't a #SpyCop
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

congrats, you've singlehandedly torpedoed my years-long adoration and usage of the Pi boards. Why would I ever trust that there isn't surveillance tech hidden in your shit now? Unfathomable waste of public trust
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:


Btw. blocking people rightfully criticizing you for celebrating tech which is used to actually kill people is such a cheap pussy move of yours.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Rpi Bosses: "Since we can't read the room on police sentiment, how can we make this whole thing worse?"

Rpi Marketing: "Make sure he's holding a weapon in the post?"

Rpi Bosses: "GENIUS."
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

will the raspberry pi 5 come with an armed mechanical appendage that will shoot my pet in the future? just curious
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Glorifying the police is not a good look and will inevitably alienate many marginalized folk who've been harmed by them.

I do wish you'd rethink the headline and the angle this article takes. I also hope you rethink your response to valid criticism from the community here. I'm really disappointed and surprised by your responses so far. I've always seen the rPi foundation as inclusive and friendly 😔
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Ok that's NoT aT aLL terrifying from the company that makes devices that are practically ubiquitous and frequently used in security-sensitive contexts (NB this includes places like SCHOOLS). Seriously bad optics there. Perhaps pick your boasts a little better? :nonazis:
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

really feels like you are trying to glorify something that causes a lot of harm to marginalized communities. pretty tone deaf
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Sounds for me like to suggest to look for disguised surveillance stuff in the RPI bootloaders from now on.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I want you to understand that having a surveillance specialist near your boards makes me 100% positive I'm going to avoid them in favor of cheaper, more readily available alternatives that aren't potentially spying on me.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Your responses to this are troubling. People are raising valid concerns. You could respond in a meaningful and empathetic way, to help allay those concerns and build trust, but you've chosen snark instead. Very unprofessional.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I was already planning to move fully to pine64 hardware over the next couple months, but this further justifies my decision to decommission my remaining 5 pi4s. I see new soquartz+blade purchases in my future
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

"Hello, we're a company who makes cheap and widely distributed computers. We just hired a surveillance tech expert who's spent the last 15 years building things to spy on people."

This is one dumb post given the current climate around police, surveillance, trust in hardware manufacturers, and privacy. It's also a pretty terrible introduction for a new member of staff.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

and now I do not feel comfortable ordering a raspberry pi anymore. A cop that used to place and hide spying equipment for 15 years does not make a trustworthy member of the open source community.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Welcome to Toby!

And maybe since the internet trolls have become upset I'll be able to find some in stock again.

In all seriousness though: Keep up the good work and I hope to see what Toby can do in an instructive way.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

so was he part of the operations where women were duped into having relationships with cops simply because they were involved in activist movements? There's a word for having sex with a woman when consent is gained under wholly false pretences
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

What is the next step?

"For all the years I've been using Raspeberry Pi's to film women without their knowledge in their bathroom, I never imagined I'd land a job at Raspeberry Pi."
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I'm glad "That crowd is not law enforcement friendly" still applies to fedi, in light of
@Raspberry_Pi's most recent insensitive and shameful blunder
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

U realize that lots of FOSS people r making up your fan base?
A lot in the FOSS scene are against (in quite active ways) the use of surveillance tech - including me btw. .

Thus being that enthusiastic about surveillance means going against fundamental believes of your supporters.

I'll observe (ha!) very closely how u'll handle this in the future.
If this kind of enthusiasm for tech which states who don't give a damn about human rights use against their people, I'll boycott u!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

this post is gross because it makes spying on people for the state sound fun and quirky rather than insidious
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Here's why you present it as "Toby has a diverse background from the security and enforcement sectors" or somesuch.

and i'm quite convinced that belittling your followers is kinda bad from a statistics standpoint, because it could hit your bottomline.

otoh, if you want some tips for how to not belittle and enrage your fans and followers, i'd be mildly glad to help.

it's 2022, i'm sure there's training availible for how to communicate sensibly, even in britain.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Here's why you present it as "Robert has a diverse background from the security and enforcement sectors" or somesuch.

and i'm quite convinced that belittling your followers is kinda bad from a statistics standpoint, because it could hit your bottomline.

otoh, if you want some tips for how to not belittle and enrage your fans and followers, i'd be mildly glad to help.

it's 2022, i'm sure there's training availible for how to communicate sensibly, even in britain.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Content warning: Police Violence; Intimate Partner Violence (IPV); Domestic Abuse

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

You do understand how this erodes trust in your brand, right? I mean, even if his role is in devrel, given who your target market is, this seems like an extremely tone deaf introduction.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@alcapurrias you're acting childish and petty and for what? If you are going to do some PR or damage control, at least act like a professional!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

There was an opportunity for you to listen and grow, but you opted for being edgy and snarky. Quite offputting as a customer.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

you're saying you hired a spycop and you're surprised - even indignant - people have a problem with that?

Are you not familiar with the whole #spycops thing?

The way police spies extensively infiltrated left-wing, anti-racist and environmental organisations, sabotaged them, manipulated their members, had sex with activists under false pretences... are you not familiar with all this background?

These are just some of the things you might want to be aware of when you're posting proudly about hiring a Surveillance Officer. I wouldn't want you to be confused about why some people here might react negatively to that.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

free #socialmedia tip for #brands, your #cop friends on #mastodon won't see this post and you doubling down in the replies, but everyone who hates #cops will
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

So you hired a cop who apparently used your product to spy on people and you think that's going great?
And you think the educators / makers who a KEY part of your business strategy as stated on your business strategy, are gonna be cool with that?

I don't have a yikes big enough.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

How have you reformed yourself as a threat actor to peoples privacy and security?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

oopsy doopsie, company that makes computers and just hired a surveillance cop, you've done a fucky wucky! better fire this person and the dumbass social media manager while we're at it before you do a widdle bankruptcy uwu
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Why on Earth would you want to associate yourselves with mass surveillance and state repression? There's nothing cute about what this man described doing to people. I've wanted to work more with RPis for a while, but even if the shortages don't stop me, working with cops definitely will.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

this, then your subsequent replies to and blocking of critics, are terrible, profoundly tone deaf actions
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi: Congratulations on managing to destroy your reputation in one single, stupid toot.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Cops are class traitors. Even “the good ones.”

Toby: you are not welcome. Anywhere.

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

why do you think this is a good idea to do or even talk about. i use pis for art installations but i don't think i can buy another pi again
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi: All cops means all cops, kids. This shouldn't be difficult for you.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I mean...the post wasn't well thought at all, but your replies are what did it for me. Like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

Is the train wreck on a Raspberry Pi as well, I wonder?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

all cops are bastards, especially cops that plant surveillance cameras. I hope you fucking choke
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

"Raspberry Pi, now the premiere tool for DIY surveillance!"
Is certainly a *choice*. ACAB.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

seriously? And you think responses like "he built lightsabres, chill" are mature responses?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Congratulations it's very rare for a company to go from "impossible to find" to "extremely difficult to justify supporting". I was literally helping a friend source and build an Octoprint, but we are obviously going to explore other alternatives now.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I just let my 30K followers on TikTok know about your support of fascism and authoritarianism, as well as the way that you have rudely responded to now ex-customers expressing concern, urging them to boycott your ass. If your intention is to burn your company to the ground, it appears that you are succeeding. NEVER buying a product from you again.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

this post and your responses have been absolutely awful.

You're repping this dude's career as a surveillance cop and surprised ppl are like uhhh? Why?

Congrats on alienating yourself from a huge portion of the fediverse cause you were fully dismissive of people raising issues about you obliviously cheering on your creepy instance addition.

Fuck the police. Ex-cops should be ashamed and making amends not bragging about how they used to likely prey on people like us for the carceral state. Fuck all the way off
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@esther Esther, would be a good way of letting the brand know what their employee is up to on this platform. I've reached out to let them know the damage being done to their brand, but I encourage you and everyone else to do the same.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Wow, dude. Awful PR. Will your cop-in-residence also ensure that when killer robots get ordered by police departments all over the world, that they're running on a Pi?

To whomever is running the social media for #raspberryPi let me say this: your job is to understand the platforms you're on and represent the brand positively. You have failed. I hope you do some learning about #mastodon
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

40% of police departments have used Raspberry Pi devices in some capacity? Google "40% of police" to learn more!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

did you know 40% of police departments have used Raspberry Pi devices in some capacity? Google "40% of police" to learn more!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

my husband's job is dependent on rpi not going out of business, so I'd really appreciate you not spreading copaganda, you know? This is a real bad look for you. #acab
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

why are you so proud for hiring a police officer? Really want to read your arguments.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I am very disappointed to see this glorification of policing and surveillance. These have consistently been violent, unjust, and major drivers of social inequities. I feel this is at odds with the brand's mission and would welcome a response addressing this.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Lol, you should have hired any vegan communist off the street wearing a charity-procured jumper covered in a fine layer of Nik Nak dust who is a full time activist as their main line of work and then this community would have loved the sh*t out of this post.

That's what these guys mean when they say you need a better marketing strategy, and I guess they are right to some degree. Got to know your audience!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

ACAB, especially cops who spy on people in their own homes. I will not be buying any further Raspberry Pis as you have shown that you endorse computer misuse by bad actors.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

cool, now I’m concerned that all computers I buy from you will spy on me. Not sure why you’re burning all your trust & goodwill, but ok.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@esther you guys bored bc of component shortage? about time you go back to the assembly line ✌️🍿
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@esther This really is some of the worst public relations work ive ever seen, what are you doing
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

lol, lmao even, I wonder how much money this post and your response will end up costing you as a company
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Wow. I’ll give Tony the benefit of the doubt here and feel bad for him with how this has gone down. That said, I’m shocked at how RP’s account handled the initial post and subsequent responses. It’s like the account is trying to pull off being James Blunt or Wendy’s on Twitter but it’s coming off as tone-deaf, unprofessional, and immature.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

To whomever is running the RPi Social on Mastodon: This isn't birdsite... You're not posting to "everyone", you're posting to your most valuable customers and word-of-mouthers. Leave your "clapbacks" on the cursed birdsite, pls.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Are you trying to combat your supply chain issues by making demands drop?

Because being an ass online is how you do that.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:
The reaction you give when your company shifts its focus from consumers to supplying the surveillance state.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

All jokes aside, people won't trust your products won't be surveilling them now. That's why this is not good. You just lost a great deal of consumer trust in your products.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

is this a joke? You know about #spycops being used to suppress protests right? Like anti vivisection campaigners? Or environmental campaigners?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

i wonder if he's in the 40% of cops that play the violin really well

i'll go do a web search for 40% cops to see if he shows up
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

in their defense, they probably wouldn’t have opened with “we hired a policeman” if they were going to hire policemen to do a lot of shady stuff.
I think it’s kinda cute that they are so excited 😀
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

haha wow how awesome and epic of him also look up Covert Human Intelligence Sources act
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I wonder just how many lives @TobyRobertsPi helped destroy over his 15 years as a baconback.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

my husband's job is dependent on rpi not going out of business, so I'd really appreciate you not spreading copaganda, you know? This is a real bad look for you. #acab
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Good news Korg! Suddenly there’s no shortage of Raspberry Pi boards. No one knows why! Looking forward to your next synth now that the bottleneck has vanished.

Jesus,, read the room. Many of us here are marginalized, me included. Gloriying surveillance by law enforcement personnel is going to get you ostracized on the Fedi.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

The Raspberry Pi Foundation hiring a surveillance cop is just as bad as a baseball bat company hiring a hooligan or a chef's knive company hiring a serial killer. Yes, there's always a spectrum, but make sure you get the guys who don't misuse your product. It can't be too hard finding somebody decent in the maker scene.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

soooo what have you done to address the harm you caused in your 15 years as a tool of state surveillance? It's not an academic question but it seems like it's not somtlething you feel in any way conflicted about and that's a huge red flag.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Narrator: It, in fact, was not going great. It was a bad decision compounded by a mind-bogglingly petulant series of outburst that raised serious questions about the RPi foundation among the very community that had previously been enthusiastic (and patient throughout the long stock drought)
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

"I’m fascinated to see what takes place behind the scenes."
Yeah, I guess that's p much in the job description 🙄

Also, did you know 40% of cops transition into the private sector? It's true! Google '40% of cops'

Anyway, my next SBC won't be a Pi after the way you clowns handled all of this...
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I'm a raspberry pi user who doesn't give a shit one way or the other about Toby.

However, I do give a shit how @Raspberry_Pi exists and exhibits itself in the world. I do hope someone on RPi's management team steps in to stop whomever is running their social media account before they do irreparable damage.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Wanted to let you know that I'm one of a rapidly growing amount of people who have requested that my instance block your entire domain from reaching the 232,000 people at This kind of abusive, belittling behavior by your administrator is not wanted here at Mastodon, and will not be tolerated.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Perhaps you shouldn't hire a cop. Let a not-expelled-from-the-service-cop be a cop. Don't hire retired cops.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

it's worth being reminded that there's good reason to distrust the police in the UK; especially those involved in surveillance.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

in other news: this is the first real L + Ratio analogue i’ve seen on Mastodon!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

your responses show that you might not give much of a damn about the maker community, but just so you know, you also lost at least one industrial customer with this tone-deafness today.
we have to bet on the vendor that's community oriented because that's where the open source community will best support the ecosystem, and let's be honest, that's the major reason to go with the Pi or Pico. Linux and the toolchains rely on people working together.

This ain't it.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@esther I own six Pis and I will NEVER be buying another one because of this response. Honestly, wtf is wrong with you??
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:


Did you seriously hire someone who has admitted to infringing on the privacy of others without so much as a shred of guilt?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

seems like it's going profoundly poorly, in fact. maybe you should have thought harder about how the community you purport to care about so much would interpret this behavior before doing it.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Yikes! I encourage you to take a step back and remember that most of your clients are enthusiasts for whom privacy is pretty important and maybe this latest toot of yours might be a little tone-deaf.

I hope you recognize this is a mistake on your part so we can all go back gushing about #raspberrypi and what made us stick with you for all those years.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Feel for you guys there are a lot of very angry sad people on here who seem intent on finding offence. Hiring a ex-police officer is smart, unlike the people thinking it’s a problem. Didn’t think I’d see this kind of angry pile on here thought it all been left behind at Twitter.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

cool. so what happens now if people are using their rpi for purposes inconsistent with their local/state/fed laws or copyright issues? what is your commitment to users here?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I had a project I had been considering using RPI's for, but... no thanks.

Also, I have to ask... are you trying to go out of business? Posting this on the fediverse feels an awful lot like an invitation to a fight, rather than the social media account of a tech developer/manufacturer.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I don't even care that you hired the guy; in fact, I'd rather that he do interesting rpi builds for you than continue working in surveillance.

But your replies, here? Your response of "bye bye" and a block when a fan raises legitimate, polite concerns? Stunningly inappropriate and childish. I have a hard time imagining that you would act this way in person... and I also have a hard time imagining buying a third Raspberry Pi after this.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Hello Toby! Sorry you're getting abuse. Intrigued by the infinity mirror arc reactor…
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

'We hired a fascist, who used our products to immiserate people as an agent of the state' is perhaps the most honest expression of #Maker horseshit I've ever seen. Evil stuff.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Hey I had a GumStix, the first tiny single board ARM computer, and still have some BifferBoard (RDC 486-alikes!) I haven't deployed in the wild and I'm really looking forward to RISCV small SBCs. Here's a bunch of cops preventing people from taking legally mandated asylum in a church when mass deportations started under Bush and continue today. You're bad and I hate you. #acab
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Nope. No. I don’t think “yes, we’ve hired a surveillance expert to do… a thing… I mean a former surveillance expert… hey LIGHTSABERS!” is really going to cut it if you want to, like, have a customer base.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Posting cops on the decentralized, anticapitalist, and mostly anarchist social media platform. Thanks for the free content you cunts!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

real cool, celebrating the surveillance state and then mocking its victims in the comments. you can fuck all the way off 🖕

Still, at least I know not to buy RP for any future products.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

What a shitshow of a disaster response of you guys, that's really disappointing
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Toby, you always been an open source fan? Whats your distro of choice?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Welcome! I'm sure your real world experience will be valuable for the Raspberry Pi projects
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

so you have hired someone who was making tech to probably illegally spy on citizens as we know the police do and @eff has proved time snd time again. Great job at losing a wide swath of customers in one toot.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@esther This is an incredibly disappointing response coming from you guys. This was well articulated criticism of your post, and you're just being a jerk.

Did you do any due diligence at all about your who your audience is here before you joined the Fediverse?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

lmao are you going to hire a Nazi next? Or maybe one of those creeps that install cameras in bathrooms?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Y’all trying to solve your supply chain issues by limiting your customer base to people cool with the surveillance state?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Hiring a cop who did illegal surveillance? What an awful decision. Bragging about it and blocking everyone? Even worse. Staying quiet was an option for you
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

reputation destruction speedrun lmao 😂

yeah no piece of raspberry pi equipment will ever touch my network again after this, consider it compromised
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Well, on the bright side, that's maybe one less cop on the streets causing trouble, right?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

every time a cop leaves their job society gets better as long as the excop is not replaced with another cop. Unless this guy is not active in persecuting people and harassing the public in general, it’s kind of whatever.
You will find people who lean towards open platforms and open source tend to really not like cops. I mean for goodness sake you work with Linux you should understand this by now. Take a step back and read the room?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Why do you think it's cool to hire and brag about someone whose job it was to secretly surveil other people... That's exactly the image I would not want. Glad he put down the badge and got a real job anyway. @Raspberry_Pi @TobyRobertsPi
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@Maxlicat This is so fucking unprofessional, I genuinely hope a bunch of you lose your jobs. Including the cop.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

You need to step away from this account and talk with the rest of the RPi team about how you want to engage online with your community.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

everything about this sucks so hard. Why are you bragging about your tools being used as literal spy devices. There's nothing to be proud of here
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

gonna go out on a limb here and say that uncritically celebrating "surveillance officers" who have undoubtedly been used by the state against its citizens is Bad, Actually
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@esther do you realize you're burning your brand as fast as Twitter's with your thoughtless responses to your customer base? The people that have otherwise given you free visibility in the past?

Do you understand what it means to be #defederated?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

thank you for the transparency, will shop elsewhere. Not interested in buying spyware or from a company that thinks they need to advertise a hardware expert as a surveillance cop
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Content warning: kiddiefucker cops

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:


What's wrong with you? Rapserry Pi is used by lots of people that are daily targeted by police brutality and police illegal surveillance and YOU HIRE A COP???
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Content warning: rasberypi, cops

in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

‪welp this has brought out the unprofessional-ism in the RPi social team. get your act together and act like an actual brand account and not make remarks / blocking people who are criticising your hiring decision.‬
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:


What a shame that there aren't any alternatives to Pi that are available to buy (unlike the 4).

Oh wait, there are.

Bye bye now.

#RaspberryBye #RaspberryPi
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi: @TobyRobertsPi

Reject copaganda, and reject RP for not only spreading copaganda but for laughing off the tidal wave of negative comments. They're showing us who they really are: assholes.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I was looking to buy a secondary RaspberryPi to run some home made service since my first is occupied with HomeAssistant.

I will look for something else.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

This is gross beyond compare and your responses to valid criticisms are wildly out of line. Are you really this out of touch with who your audience is?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

you stinky poopoo poooppooooo, you hire policeeeee , stinkyyy so smelly, they gomna shot Me cause I am dog woof woof but i still less smelly than stinky cop who smell of poopoo ACAB ❤
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I think it's fine that you hired a former officer who worked on surveillance.

What's not fine is the unprofessional way you're handling the criticism. Telling people they can unfollow you, and saying that you think the criticism is an organized effort is not a good public face for any company.

What about acknowledging that the post landed poorly, that you understand the public distaste for police surveillance, and committing to do better?
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Funny, but sad, that you think the response to this is being “organized somewhere”. That’s the kind of conspiratorial thinking might lead you to, I dunno, teaming up with the surveillance state. #RaspberrySpy
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

i wonder if a drone builder that used to shoot innocent children in third world countries is going to be your next hire after that. congrats!
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@alcapurrias you do know that you can delete this toot, right? You can make it harder for people to discover how bad you are at your job.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Wow ok Yeah i guess you van use pi's to Spy on people. For me a big no no to be boasting that.

Bad choice, poor media response
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

Wow, this post, the legitimate concern expressed by many, and the absolutely bonkers response from Raspberry Pi is something else. As an engineer, I used to use and recommend Raspberry Pi products to kids and students I have mentored. No more. Bye, bye indeed.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

How could you so fundamentally & profoundly misread your audience, and your market?

How is 1984 Big Brother-type covert surveillance a good thing?

Help me understand.

A loyal Pi customer since 2012:

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@Raspberry_Pi @TobyRobertsPi
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

You need to read this and figure out how you are going to regain people's trust and rebuild your #brand reputation, and that of the original charity #RaspberryPiFoundation #RaspberryPi
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

I think it's a bad idea to position Raspberry Pi as connected to covert surveillance.
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

@esther The remark for learning I found quite bidge-building. I must also admit, that having a light-sword swinging picture might be intended to look a bit cool - I found it a bit odd. Personally, I do oppose the British mass-surveillance indulgence. It is a provoking picture, showing fight. I see fight in the conversations around the post. I understand that people can flag up their history of fight with an powerful system. [1/2]
in reply to Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi:

We literally live in a dystopic survielance police state and you think this is cute? Ya'll just have no principals whatsoever? I hope when you open your eyes to seeing what role you played in building this nightmare world you have great trouble sleeping for the rest of your life

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