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Items tagged with: SocialCoop

#SocialCoop now has its first annual budget! 💥

Just posted minutes of the #SocialCoop Finance Working Group:

YAY! Another CWG Ops Team Meeting! And this time with so many new, lovely faces (and voices!)

Here are the minutes:

note: they are only available to those who are members of loomio members so if you can't see 'em it's because you haven't joined our governance platform!

They are long but JUICY. Read to the end for the latest goss on the spam wave ;)

Looking forward to collaborating with MORE lovely people moving forward!


we literally tried to prevent exactly this from happening in 2016/17, and #Socialcoop was a direct outgrowth of that effort:

We in the #Socialcoop Finance Working Group just started a thread proposing an annual budget for the co-op: Please discuss!

@Matt_Noyes I would love to support all those and have tried several times to initiate proposals in #Socialcoop to support cooperative tech.

Bluesky is gaining a lot of traction, and I think it is worth experimenting with how far we can take co-op control in that protocol. If nothing else to understand whether the federation they propose involves real control.

Hey #Socialcoop friends, a question: what would you think of us piloting a Personal Data Server for Bluesky under the co-op? No commitment, just an experiment.


Discussion with @robin @boris:

  • Love it, propose it in Loomio! (46%, 7 votes)
  • Meh I'm putting my concerns in the comments (53%, 8 votes)
15 voters. Poll end: 4 months ago

Tagging @aeisenberg @rndeon @roland @evan who wanted to participate, please boost the above post and vote for meeting times.

@Matt_Noyes @ntnsndr please spread the word to #SocialCoop folks who would like to participate by boosting the post above this - everyone welcome!

#SocialCoop inline poll: should SocialCoop be one of the signatories of the [[Fedipact]] effort to *preemptively defederate* with is an ongoing Loomio discussion about this but I wanted to see some in-instance discussion ideally.

  • yes (say why) (44%, 4 votes)
  • no (say why) (55%, 5 votes)
  • maybe (0%, 0 votes)
9 voters. Poll end: 5 months ago

and while I saw lots of little pieces of the decision happen, I don't know the overall story arc.

I don't even know what the decision was, where it's recorded, nor the governance structure through which it emerged.

The analog of the "I'm just a bill..." song but not for U.S. legislation but for #socialcoop decisions.

I'm struggling to get into (i.e. understand ) #socialcoop governance. Not that I have tried very hard... I haven't seen an opportunity where it's clearly useful for me to dig in.

I could really use more stories.

Is there a good presentation (video recording) of the organization as a whole?

Is the origin story written down? The story of why the org was created and why it's growing.

#Socialcoop friends, we in the Finance Working Group invite you to join us in working together on a cohesive budget for the co-op!

#Socialcoop Loomio / recent discussions:

Explicit rules should be added to server "Rules":
Changes to the fiscal hosting arrangements for
On-boarding Q&A for New Members!:


Reminder to #Socialcoop members from the Finance Working Group:

Today’s balance
£18,630.05 GBP

Total raised
£40,696.13 GBP

Total disbursed
£22,066.08 GBP

That is:

- We have spent just over half of our total revenue, ever
- We are not nearly spending what we're contributing

Editorial part (from me):

- We should be more intentional about budgeting for and investing in our community and the broader fediverse ecosystem

#SocialCoop members, please check out this important discussion about the future of our fiscal host relationship:

This is about the legal underpinning of our co-op, and I believe it is good news.

Just started a thread on having the #SocialCoop Finance Working Group develop an annual comprehensive budget for the co-op—members, please join:

Good new thinking (and some quotes from me) from @CyberneticForests on the fediverse and #SocialCoop specifically:

This works, right? Current sentiment (26% voting) suggests there's +50% for defederation. #socialcoop #threads

#SocialCoop members:

Loomio now allows custom poll templates:

I've just created a poll template based on our bylaws here (click Poll and choose " bylaws-compatible proposal"):

Not sure why custom templates only work for polls, not proposals, or if that matters. But I reached out to Loomio about this.

Super grateful for the work of the #SocialCoop Community Working Group. Members, don't miss the latest minutes here:

I really appreciate @natematias's concrete suggestions here for how to focus a potential defederation of Meta: #Socialcoop

Thanks! Glad you're doing this, and please let me know if I can support you in participating in #SocialCoop governance.

What do you think is the best next step? Reformulate the proposal to address the concerns raised here?

#Socialcoop members, if you haven't yet, please participate in this important vote about defederating Meta's fediverse app preemptively:

I voted no, but I'm glad to see healthy discussion on all sides. However we make this decision, it matters that it is *ours*.

CORRECTION: This is not a formal vote; it is an initial poll for a discussion that will continue to develop.


New book of collective sci-fi, co-edited by #Socialcoop's own @cadwellsocialcoop!

Yes! I have so much appreciated the role of the wiki (a Dokuwiki) in my lab. Sudden departures have been so much eased by being in the habit of continuously expecting students to self-document on the wiki. I hope we can do that better at #SocialCoop going forward.

#PSA for #Socialcoop: our wiki ( will be occasionally unavailable through this weekend as we move to our new Mediawiki instance, available for your preview at

The content of the site available up to now at, including our registration form, remains available at

My co-op people, DO NOT MISS this upcoming event on Thursday featuring the important new book on worker co-ops, "Cooperatives at Work":

Featuring great #Socialcoop luminaries @Matt_Noyes @emi @GeorgeCheney!

@mattcropp @Matt_Noyes:

How is your effort on #Socialcoop governance going?

I'm curious if there are overlaps with my thread on working group structure:

Should we be conjoining these discussions? Or keeping them separate?

Glad to have company in seeing some degree of necessary #Socialcoop reinvention.

I've just started a thread onLoomio about formalizing a process for turnover in working groups at #Socialcoop. Members, please comment here:

Long time #socialcoop community working group ops team member @michaelafisher is part of a group starting a multistakeholder #coop queer bar/coffeeshop in #NYC, and they are running an indiegogo campaign to raise funds to support their launch.

I just kicked in some bucks, and consider doing the same if you have capacity. :TwinPines:

@bhaugen @Matt_Noyes Yep, that's what I had in mind, since #Socialcoop is already a @mayfirst member. One thing I appreciate, too, is the intentional low-bandwidth setting to reduce carbon footprint. Also, the MF instance has a rad custom tool for supporting multilingual interpretation.

Interesting ideas about organizing for a structure like we have here on #SocialCoop via @Hamishcampbell
#OGB @ogb

Now up, the writeup of our session on alternative social networks for the @platformcoop school, featuring #SocialCoop's @emi!

Yes! Thank you, @emi, for your contagiously enthusiastic accounts of moderating! Can you use help in the community team? And does the coop role-play group still convene?

@ntnsndr I really enjoyed your talk on the historical context of #SocialCoop as well!

Big thanks to both you and @platformcoop for holding the space! 😊

It is so great to hear @emi right now talking about #Socialcoop's Community Working Group. What a joy.

Want to learn how to build a habitable, just, and fun online economy?

Join Platform Co-op School from the good folks at @platformcoop:

(I'll be talking about #Socialcoop there!)

I just saw this image:*Aqa4jGmzgLDJTB1xXwSF4w.png

On this @richdecibels post:

Why doesn't the #Socialcoop home page look like that anymore?

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