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Items tagged with: psa

Please add pronouns to ur profiles if possible. Otherwise it can get real confusing when someone/something is talking about you.

#psa #feditips

#Google is trying again to convince you, YES YOU, to contribute for free to Google Maps.
Please don't.
It is 100% #proprietary, Google has full control over the data you added and people can only access Google Maps over proprietary channels where Google dictates the rules. This gives them too much power.

Contribute to #OpenStreetMap instead, it's a project by the community, for the community.

#OSM #GoogleMaps #PSA #scam #capitalism #OpenData

PSA: To avoid dooring or killing cyclists when you exit a vehicle, please consider adopting "the Dutch Reach," which is using your hand farthest from the door to open it. This forces you into a position that allows a better view of bicycles approaching from behind. And, of course, first look, *then* open door. Teach your kids, too. #cycling #safety #driving #cars #psa

#PSA for #Socialcoop: our wiki ( will be occasionally unavailable through this weekend as we move to our new Mediawiki instance, available for your preview at

The content of the site available up to now at, including our registration form, remains available at

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