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Items tagged with: theWorkshop

working on the beginnings of a little Forth-like programming language! calling it "hither" bc why not.

something really satisfying about programming a programming language.

#screenshotsaturday #theWorkshop

Recently learned about touchdesigner. It's been around forever, but I hadn't heard of it. Saw it has a midi operator, and tried wiring it to Orca. Fun! #theWorkshop

Just finished this month's print for my patreon print club and I'm pondering color options. What do you folks prefer? black and white, the same light green as the first print or a cool blue for the antarctic setting?


Here is Grid, the ACME-inspired text-editor I've been building lately: Hope you enjoy it 😀

I also did a quick peek video:


Baby steps in the apartment. Found and mounted a used table, collected some kitchen inventory and mounted a trailer rack today. #theWorkshop shop

For my #DecemberAdventure, I've optimized uxnfloppy so that it runs at 60 fps most of the time at 640x480! Here is a video of bunnymark.tal running on the laptop. It can draw around 2000 sprites before it goes below 60 fps!

#uxn #theWorkshop #theFurnace

It's the week of the noodle(.tal)! After weeks of painstaking ps/2 driver trial and error, the Mouse device is now working in #uxnfloppy as well! @tbsp #uxn #osdev #theWorkshop #theFurnace

picking up alv a bit again while trying to focus on the original purpose I had in mind, mangling MIDI and OSC in real time to animate visualizations.


I finally completed the varvara Screen device yesterday (with a lot of help from the #uxn irc channel (mainly @neauoire)! not sure what's up with the physics in this demo, but look at those sprites 😀

#uxn #varvara #osdev #theWorkshop #theFurnace

some days ago i went into the grove of a villa near the apartment where i live to recored some ambience for the Elmet Brae, then overdubbed it with orca sinewave organs

really looking forward to listen to all the entries =D


I found that a few sheets in this book of negatives are color. I can't tell if the development was done in a not great way, if the negative color has degraded over time, or if I've not done a great job processing. Possibly all three. #theWorkshop

More experiments photographing negatives. These are pictures my dad took of some of my mom’s fiber arts pieces from when she did weaving. Close ups are with a macro lens attachment but these are all taken with phone camera. Next I’ll try a “real” camera with more glass. #theWorkshop

there are two week I'm trying to learn blender with some online courses, here's a battletech madcat


if you aren't a huge fucking nerd you might not be aware that we spend way too much time debating the pros and cons of operating system types that will probably never leave the basements they were dreamed up in.

in my case, the design is of such an obscure type that there isn't much literature on the topic outside a handful of computer science research labs. as you can imagine there's no common parlance for something so odd, but I use the term "language kernel" or langkernel. not to be confused with an exokernel, through they can share some minor design patterns ^^


Teaching myself how to draw animals, starting with rat like beings

chess in uxn? chess in uxn!

I wanted to check out Lynn's chibicc-uxn project, and this is the result of one day of work with their library, it's really fun 😀

it's not yet playable but it has the setup for it

#uxn #theWorkshop

Look what came in the mail today. 💥 :merveillesbg: :moomin_sparkles: #theWorkshop

Added notes to the music theory section on the circle of fifths. #theWorkshop

Well, look. The wood has no finish, screws overtorqued in a few places causing either stripped heads or cracks in the cheap plywood, and the design is more utilitarian than aesthetically awesome, but *this was all by plan*. Now I have a pantry for the summer that took me only 8 hours to build from a pile of wood and not even a sketch of what I wanted, to a small subset of my groceries piled up on it. What it lacks in looks it makes up for in sense of single-weekend accomplishment ♥️ #theWorkshop

Finally redid my site.
No more JS.
Static generator written in Python (not OS yet)
Whole site is built from Markdown .txt files where folder hierarchy reflects page relationships.
Custom markdown extensions convert internal wiki links.


My 3D projection library for Uxn is complete!

Features points, lines, variable FOV, adjustable view frustum, screen space clipping, and 16 bits of precision, everything in around 4 kilobytes of bytecode.

#uxn #theWorkshop

updated my /about page with some of the presentations & interviews i've been lucky to have done in the past year

I happen to be doing some grid layout R&D in Compose today for work, which happily lends itself to an Android drum pad ui... and I've successfully got USB serial access. Should hopefully have Android > Playdate drumming working by the end of the week. #theWorkshop

Yay been working on my website again for the past few weeks of spare time.

Got the basics implemented with some random coloration, glyph selection, weird glitchy thing… and it's listening for the kick drum coming from Orca (no sound in video though). Next up is rendering images from sets using these glyphs 🫣 …still not entirely sure what I'm doing…


Idk what I'm doing exactly, but I got Conway's Game of Life running in the command line and now I'm thinking about how cellular automatons could be manipulated by signals coming from other apps. Specifically interested in what it would be like to have "living" visuals that are in some way representative of the patterns being sent from #orca


Doing woodworking with mostly hand tools today, building a little shelf for the kitchen :3


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