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Items tagged with: groundhogday

This indeed. #groundhogday all over again… and again…

Well, it's #GroundhogDay, again.

“Only in America do we accept weather predictions from a rodent but deny #ClimateChange evidence from scientists.”

I share this meme every year on February 2. #science


Bring on Climate Change Chuck!

If prophets for planetary change must come in the form of rodents, then that is what me must do.

#science #GroundHogDay #climatechange #globalwarming

Happy #GroundhogDay!

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning... and from up in space, Hubble can see shadows too!

This image shows three of Jupiter’s dozens of moons – and two of their shadows – moving across the planet in 2015:

Also evergreen.
#Imbolc #GroundHogDay #HandPuppet

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