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Items tagged with: mammals

I am very pleased to share with the mastodon community the first part of my PhD work:

High prevalence of Prdm9-independent recombination hotspots in placental #mammals

This work was done in collaboration with @djivanprentout Alexandre Laverré, Théo Tricou and @duret_lbbe. (1/8)

#Recombination #PopGen #Evolution #gBGC #PRDM9

#EnergyTransition: How bubble curtains protect #porpoises from wind farm noise

"As huge offshore #WindFarms spread across Europe's seas, efforts grow to buffer the impact on #wildlife... The #BubbleCurtain was designed around the #porpoise's specific needs and traits, lowering #WindFarm construction noise to a threshold deemed safe for the species, based on scientific research. Its proven muffling effect may also benefit other marine #mammals such as #seals"

Happy #Easter to those who celebrate, from the REAL egg-laying #mammals, the #monotremes 😎
Plate LXIV Monotremata from Johnson’s Household Book of Nature, 1880, via BHL:
#platypus #echidna #sciart #naturalhistoryart

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