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Items tagged with: porn

  • Content warning: nsfw more trans girl leeewds
  • Filtered word: nsfw


My sister lives in a small town in the lost countryside of Brazil

While there, her and my BIL met an older gentleman.

The older gentleman is from a Germanic family. Many people in that region of Brazil are. Thus, he has a Germanic surname.

Unfortunately for him. That surname is 'Porn'.

I don't know if that surname means anything somewhere in central #europe -- Doesn't matter for the intents of this silly little story.

Mr. Porn, see, owns a small business that drives people around in busses and vans. — A — Transportation business.

Sometimes. The #towerOfBabel bestows a gift upon humanity.

#languages #trans #funny #wtf #bus #porn

(Edit: woah this blew up very suddenly, and four whole days after the original post. That's kinda spooky. Hello to all the new people.)

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