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Items tagged with: artemis

Bravo on a great mission on the anniversary of the last Apollo 17 lunar mission! #Apollo50 #Artemis

As we celebrate the successful completion of the #Artemis 1 mission today, 50 years ago at this very moment, the #Apollo17 lunar module landed on the Moon.

Experience the landing:
#Apollo50th #synchronicity

Today, #Artemis I returned to Earth after a test flight to the Moon. #OTD 50 years ago, #Apollo17 landed on the lunar surface. This visualization explores the Apollo 17 landing site, Taurus-Littrow valley, using data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

.@NASA_Orion is back, and with it are our test manikins: Commander Moonikin Campos, Helga, and Zohar, who have been collecting data on what future #Artemis astronauts will experience during the flight.

Not to mention Snoopy, our zero-gravity indicator.


The @NASA_Orion spacecraft successfully completed a parachute-assisted splashdown in the Pacific Ocean at 12:40pm ET (17:40 UTC) as the final major milestone of the #Artemis I mission.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Thrilled to see Orion splashdown. Congrats to the whole Artemis team.

#orion #Artemis1 #NASA #moon #artemis


After traveling 1.4 million miles through space, orbiting the Moon, and collecting data that will prepare us to send astronauts on future #Artemis missions, the @NASA_Orion spacecraft is home.

POV: You're inside the @NASA_Orion spacecraft, looking through the docking hatch, and you're on your way home. #Artemis

As we look forward to future Artemis missions, @nasa and @Boeing will use facilities at @NASAKennedy in addition to @NASA_Michoud to assemble core stages beginning with #Artemis III:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Thank you for sharing this #NASAMoonSnap with us!

Our #Artemis missions will lay the groundwork for taking the next giant leap — sending astronauts to Mars.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

After evaluating the weather, the #Artemis I mission management team decided on a landing site in the Pacific Ocean near Guadalupe Island.

Splashdown is expected at 12:39pm ET (17:39 UTC) on Dec. 11:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

.@NASA_Orion is heading home. What can we expect when the spacecraft splashes down off the coast of California on Dec. 11?

Check out "The Adventures of Moonikin Campos and Friends" webcomic to learn more:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

LIVE NOW: Our experts are previewing the upcoming entry, descent, and splashdown of the @NASA_Orion spacecraft.

The #Artemis I mission is scheduled to conclude at 12:40pm ET (17:40 UTC) on Dec. 11 when Orion splashes down in the Pacific Ocean.

Thank you so much for this perfect example of #NASAMoonSnap Expert Mode — capturing the Moon every day of a lunar cycle!

Check out some of @NASA_Orion’s captures of the Moon during the course of the #Artemis I mission:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

“These images reveal with stunning humbling sublimity the triumph of the human spirit and breaking beyond the confines of the Earth.”

@HenryLouisGates reflects on the #Artemis I mission.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

The #Artemis I mission is uncrewed, but the @NASA_Orion spacecraft is filled with science, payloads, and…

Easter eggs. Take a look at this image and see if you can find them all. We will reveal them all on Dec. 10.

"Let us hope that this milestone will inspire us to transcend 'all possible manner of differences,' as the great Du Bois once put it, and keep foremost in mind all that we have in common as human beings; as sisters and brothers here on Earth."

—@HenryLouisGates on #Artemis I

LIVE NOW: Following today's close flyby of the Moon, our experts are giving an update on the #Artemis I mission.

The @NASA_Orion spacecraft is expected to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on Dec. 11.

As @NASA_Orion prepares to bid the Moon adieu, the #Artemis I mission says, "Goodnight, Moon!"

Check out this video of @AstroMarshburn reading aloud from the children's book during a past “Read Along, Draw Along” event hosted by Crayola and HarperKids.

One day in the solar system: Here are a few views captured – today – by @nasa spacecraft. 🛰📸🧵

This is the Moon and the distant crescent Earth as seen today by the @NASA_Orion spacecraft during the #Artemis I mission.

On flight day 19 for our @NASA_Orion spacecraft, four limiters responsible for downstream power switched off due to an issue with a power conditioning distribution unit.

The system is healthy, and there was no interruption to any critical systems:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

You can also track the #Artemis I mission in our "Eyes on the Solar System" real-time 3D simulation:

[Video embedded in original tweet]

We have retrieved signal with @NASA_Orion after an expected loss of signal when the spacecraft flew directly behind the Moon.

You can see Earth in the distance. That's us. #Artemis

LIVE NOW: @NASA_Orion is harnessing the Moon’s gravity to accelerate back toward Earth.

The spacecraft is expected to fly about 79 miles above the lunar surface at 11:42am ET (1642 UTC). #Artemis

[Video embedded in original tweet]

.@NASA_Orion is closing in on the Moon, about 5,058 miles above the lunar surface. Orion is traveling at a velocity of 3,933 miles per hour. #Artemis
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

There’s nothing like a weekend road trip – and you can follow @NASA_Orion’s journey as it heads back to Earth! We’ve listed all the ways you can keep up-to-date with the #Artemis I mission, including the live tracker, in this @Tumblr post:

As we prepare for future #Artemis missions, our astronauts aboard the @Space_Station are performing experiments that will lay the foundation of long-duration space travel.

Learn about the challenges and solutions our astronauts could help to address:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

.@NASA_Orion will reenter the lunar sphere of influence tomorrow, on Dec. 3, making the Moon the main gravitational force acting on the spacecraft.

The spacecraft will exit the lunar sphere of influence for a final time on Dec. 6. #Artemis
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

Don’t miss the remaining coverage of the #Artemis I Moon mission:

Dec. 5, 9am ET (1400 UTC): Return lunar flyby
Dec. 5, 5pm ET (2200 UTC): Flyby debrief
Dec. 8, 5pm ET (2200 UTC): Splashdown preview
Dec. 11, 11am ET (1600 UTC): @NASA_Orion splashdown

As the @NASA_Orion spacecraft prepares for the journey back to Earth, we reflect on all the women who led the Artemis I mission to the Moon.

Through #Artemis, we will see the first woman and first person of color walk on the lunar surface.

The purposeful passengers aboard @NASA_Orion — Commander Moonikin Campos, Helga, and Zohar — have a very unique view of the Moon during the #Artemis I mission.

They recently "live-tweeted" their experience. Check it out:
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

As @NASA_Orion performed the first of two maneuvers for the return journey home, the Earth could be seen peeking out from between the solar arrays.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

LIVE NOW: The @NASA_Orion spacecraft is performing the first of two maneuvers to exit lunar orbit and begin its journey from the Moon back to Earth.

The burn is scheduled to begin at 4:53pm ET (21:53 UTC). #Artemis

LIVE NOW: The @NASA_Orion spacecraft is performing the first of two maneuvers to exit lunar orbit and begin its journey from the Moon back to Earth.

The burn is scheduled to begin at 4:53pm ET (21:53 UTC). #Artemis

[Video embedded in original tweet]

LIVE NOW: We're previewing @NASA_Orion’s scheduled departure from its distant retrograde orbit around the Moon, which will begin on Thursday, Dec. 1 at 4:53pm ET (21:53 UTC). #Artemis

[Video embedded in original tweet]

LIVE NOW: We're previewing @NASA_Orion’s scheduled departure from its distant retrograde orbit around the Moon, which will begin on Thursday, Dec. 1 at 4:53pm ET (21:53 UTC). #Artemis

Today at NASA headquarters, our administrator, @SenBillNelson took @VP and @EmmanuelMacron on a virtual trip around the Moon with views from the #Artemis I mission.

Now, it's your turn. Allons-y!

Two weeks after the @NASA_SLS rocket launched @NASA_Orion on the #Artemis I mission, analysis shows the rocket’s core stage and four RS-25 engines met every expectation during launch as well as in the final minutes of the countdown before liftoff.
#NASAArtemis #Artemis

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