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Items tagged with: OtD

"Ground control to Major Tom" 🎤

@csa_asc astronaut @Cmdr_Hadfield treated us to the first music video made in space, released #OTD in 2013 (10 years ago today)! It's unclear whether we've been able to get David Bowie’s Space Oddity out of our heads since.

Space Shuttle Atlantis (STS-125) launched for the fifth and final Hubble Servicing Mission #OTD in 2009.

Over 5 spacewalks, the crew replaced 2 instruments and repaired 2 others, bringing @NASAHubble to the apex of its scientific capabilities!


Here’s some Hubble history: #OTD in 2009, the fifth servicing mission to the telescope launched!

The mission’s crew installed new scientific instruments, while also completing repairs and upgrades that made Hubble more capable than ever.

Read more:

20 years ago #OTD, @JAXA_en's Hayabusa spacecraft launched, touching down on the asteroid Itokawa more than 2 years later, and bringing back a sample in June 2010. It was the first mission to return an asteroid sample back to Earth!

#OTD 10 years ago, Hubble snapped this shot of Comet ISON!

At the time, the comet was about 403 million miles from Earth – between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Comet ISON hurtled toward our Sun at 48,000 miles per hour (~77,000 km/hr):

#OtD 6 May 1933 Nazis raided the Institute of Sex Research in Berlin. It was a pioneering organisation which supported gay and trans rights, and equality for women. It employed numerous trans workers and pioneered gender affirmation surgery. Its library was then burned

#OTD in 1968, Astronaut Neil Armstrong takes the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle 1 (LLRV-1) for a training flight and is forced to eject right before it crashes in a fiery blaze!

More about this hair-raising episode 55 years ago today:

Alan Shepard became the first American to venture into space #OTD in 1961! Squeezing into the tiny "Freedom 7" capsule, Shepard's 15-minute suborbital flight was just a few weeks after Yuri Gagarin's landmark trip to space.

Watch highlights of this day ▶️

Lower your blast shield and stretch out with your feelings

Launched #OTD in 1976 (a year before we 1st witnessed Luke's lightsaber training), LAGEOS was a laser-ranging satellite able to measure small changes in the Earth. #StarWarsDay

STS-51B launched #OTD in 1985, for the 2nd flight of the Spacelab module (Spacelab 3) carrying 15 primary microgravity experiments.

@NASAMarshall Space Flight Center had management responsibility for the Spacelab 3 mission. 📷 Marshall Spacelab Operations Control Center

Canadarm, meet Canadarm2 🤝

#OTD in 2001, the @Space_Station's newly installed Canadarm2 transferred its launch cradle to Space Shuttle Endeavour's Canadarm, performing a "handshake" in space. @csa_asc astronaut Chris Hadfield was at the STS-100 shuttle's Canadarm controls.

33 years later, Hubble continues to explore and inspire!

@NASAHubble was deployed by Space Shuttle Discovery #OTD in 1990, becoming one of the notable success stories in NASA's history!

Read about HST's early days in Chris Gainor's historical account:

✨ @NASAHubble launched #OTD 33 years ago! It's been our window to the cosmos ever since. Celebrate this intrepid explorer with our free poster or digital background:
#MondayMotivation: Never stop exploring!

Happy 33rd birthday, Hubble! 🎉

Hubble began its journey of discovery #OTD in 1990. It’s been over three decades, and the mission continues to amaze the world with its discoveries about our universe.

Take a look back at the incredible science from Hubble’s latest year in orbit!

Annie Easley, born #OTD in 1933, began her career at the NACA as a “human computer,” performing complex calculations. When machines began to replace human computers, Easley adapted, becoming an expert computer programmer.

More on her years at @NASAglenn:

Apollo 16 astronauts John Young and Charlie Duke landed on the Moon #OTD in 1972!

While on the lunar surface, they collected 212 pounds (96 kg) of lunar samples and ventured out 2.4 mi (3.8 km) from their landing spot with the help of the lunar rover.

#OTD 10 years ago, Hubble shared this infrared view of the Horsehead Nebula!

Harsh ultraviolet glare from a fledgling star near the top ridge of the nebula is slowly evaporating this pillar of hydrogen gas laced with dust.

Find out more:

#OTD in 2018, @nasa launched the TESS Space Telescope. In its first five years, TESS has discovered 329 planets and 4,300+ planet candidates. Here are some exoplanet highlights!🧵⬇️

#OTD in 2014, @nasa's Kepler Space Telescope discovered its first planet in the habitable zone of another star. It made us wonder, what might life look like under a red sun? Guided tour:

Home Safe and Sound

The exhausted Apollo 13 flight controllers, joined by astronauts, managers, and VIPs in the Mission Control Center in Houston, rejoiced in the safe splashdown of the Apollo 13 astronauts in the Pacific Ocean #OTD in 1970.

After Apollo 16 lifted off #OTD in 1972, the crew snapped this photo of our home planet as they began their trans-lunar coast. John Young, Charlie Duke, and Ken Mattingly were on their way to the Moon for their 11 day mission:

Apollo 16 Lunar Module pilot Charlie Duke stands in front of the T-38 aircraft #OTD in 1972, the day before his launch to the Moon.

The dawn of a new age in space flight!

The wheels of Space Shuttle Columbia, the first reusable spacecraft, touched down at Edwards Air Force Base after its first flight to space #OTD in 1981.

Bob Crippen's memories of this historic flight:

"Houston, we've had a problem."

Jim Lovell spoke these words #OTD in 1970 following the rupture of a service module oxygen tank on the Apollo 13 spacecraft.

Watch the crew and mission control's recollections of the moment:

The first spaceflight of the Shuttle program 🚀

#OTD in 1981, Space Shuttle Columbia roared into orbit from @NASAKennedy for the first time carrying a crew of two: John Young and Robert Crippen.

More photos and history from STS-1:

Apollo 13 launched #OTD in 1970 with little fanfare. But on the spacecraft's flight to the Moon, an oxygen tank onboard exploded, transforming Apollo 13 into a hair-raising rescue mission that hinged on the ingenuity and grit of the crew, mission control, and @nasa engineers. 💪

The 3 astronauts who flew on Apollo 13, Fred Haise, John Swigert and Jim Lovell, are seen in this photo taken the day before launch #OTD in 1970.

Ken Mattingly, the prime Command Module Pilot, was bumped from the flight 3 days before launch after being exposed to German Measles.

Introducing the Mercury 7!

The first seven @nasa astronauts were revealed #OTD in 1959, just six months after the establishment of the space agency.

Learn more about their pioneering space flights:

Mars Odyssey, launched #OTD in 2001, has been in Mars orbit for more than 21 years and is the longest-lasting spacecraft sent to the Red Planet. Its THEMIS instrument took this color-enhanced image where canyons meet to form a depression 4 km deep.

#40YearsAgo, astronauts were training to repair the Solar Max satellite in the Neutral Buoyancy Simulator at @NASAMarshall. A year later, #OTD in 1984, STS-41C launched to Solar Max, and went on to perform the first satellite retrieval and the first satellite repair in space!

Apollo 6, the second all-up uncrewed test of the Saturn V, launched #OTD in 1968, the same day Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.

While there were problems, NASA managers thought they were surmountable and the next launch would carry a crew.

Good morning Atlantis!
#OTD in 1992 STS-45 landed. On board: future NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, the first Belgian citizen in space Dirk Frimout, and the 1st Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS) experiments.

About the mission

#OTD last year, we shared news of Hubble's detection of the farthest individual star ever seen!

Go "inside the image" of the star Earendel to learn about this record-breaking observation.

You can read more here:

Mariner 10, the 1st spacecraft sent to study Mercury, took the first closeup photos of the planet as it made its first flyby #OTD in 1974. Pictured is a mosaic of images taken by the spacecraft about 6 hours before closest approach. @NASASolarSystem

But that's not all…

37 years later to the day, the MESSENGER spacecraft sent back the first photo of Mercury from orbit #OTD in 2011! MESSENGER gave scientists the first new data on the composition of Mercury's surface since Mariner 10's final 1975 flyby.

More about Mercury:

Higher res photos please!

Mariner 7, launched #OTD in 1969, along with its twin Mariner 6 launched a month earlier, were sent to Mars to study its surface and atmosphere during close flybys. @NASAMars

Left: Mariner 4 photo of Mars, 1965
Right: Mariner 7 photo of Mars, 1969

Clocking a time of 11.2 years, the Opportunity @NASAMars Rover completed a marathon on the red planet #OTD in 2015, travelling 26.2 miles (42.2 km).

Planned to last 3 months, Opportunity's mission lasted to 2018:

What enduring NASA mission is your fave?

100 points if you know the Gemini III spacecraft's nickname! 💯

The first crewed flight of the Gemini spacecraft and America's first space flight with TWO astronauts (Gus Grissom & John Young) was #OTD in 1961. More on the mission:

📷 Gemini III training

#OTD one year ago, we passed 5,000 confirmed exoplanets. It was a milestone decades in the making. When we add sound for each new planet, you can hear the pace of discovery as worlds appear across our galaxy.

Comet me, bro!

Astronomer Caroline Herschel, born #OTD in 1750, was the first woman credited with discovering a comet and the first woman to earn a salary as a scientist. She went on to discover 7 additional comets in her lifetime! #WomensHistoryMonth

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